$ gnpm install @antv/hierarchy
layout algorithms for visualizing hierarchical data.
const Hierarchy = require('@antv/hierarchy');
// your tree data
const root = {
isRoot: true,
id: 'Root',
children: [
id: 'SubTreeNode1',
children: [
id: 'SubTreeNode1.1'
id: 'SubTreeNode1.2'
id: 'SubTreeNode2'
// apply layout
const NODE_SIZE = 16;
const PEM = 5;
const ctx = document.getElementById('id-of-canvas-element').getContext('2d');
const rootNode = Hierarchy.compactBox(root, {
direction: 'H', // H / V / LR / RL / TB / BT
getId(d) {
return d.id;
getHeight(d) {
if (d.isRoot) {
return NODE_SIZE * 2;
return NODE_SIZE;
getWidth(d) {
if (d.isRoot) {
return ctx.measureText(d.id).width * 2 + PEM * 1.6;
return ctx.measureText(d.id).width + PEM * 1.6;
getHGap(d) {
if (d.isRoot) {
return PEM * 2;
return PEM;
getVGap(d) {
if (d.isRoot) {
return PEM * 2;
return PEM;
getSubTreeSep(d) {
if (!d.children || !d.children.length) {
return 0;
return PEM;
this layout differs from d3-hierarcy.tree
, it is a compact box tidy layout that is tidy in both horizontal and vertical directions.
LR | RL | H |
TB | BT | V |
LR | RL | H |
TB | BT | V |
LR | RL | H |
this layout is inspired by XMind.
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