$ gnpm install @externs/nodejs
is The Google Closure Compiler Externs For Node.JS.
yarn add -E @externs/nodejs
The method is to use tsickle
on the types definition file for Node.JS (@types/node/index.d.ts
). However, there are a few steps that were taken to prepare the externs:
The definitions are split into individual files, making it easier to track warnings and maintain the manual changes that have to be made for each extern.
When trying to generate from the single file, there's a conflict between declare var Buffer
and interface Buffer
, which TypeScript is fine with, but tsickle
fails to process properly. To overcome this, the NodeBuffer interface is just moved into a separate file, the externs for it are generated, and then manually updated to include static methods from var Buffer. This can also be done by declaring Buffer as a class with static methods, but we did it manually.
// original node.d.ts
// Declaring both var and interface DOES NOT WORK WITH TSICKLE
interface Buffer extends NodeBuffer { }
declare var Buffer: { }
// later on ...
interface NodeBuffer extends Uint8Array { }
There have been tests added to the Buffer
interface to make sure there are no warnings when working with Buffer API. These tests is just an illustration of how externs can be tested, i.e., to make sure the GCC does not produce any warnings.
depack test/spec/buffer.js -a --checks_only --externs v8/global/buffer.js --externs v8/global.js
shows no warnings).
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(16)
const data = ['hello', 'world']
const string = 'hello world'
/** @type {!Buffer} */
var b
b = new Buffer(string)
b = new Buffer(string, 'utf8')
b = new Buffer(100)
b = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(100))
b = new Buffer(ab)
b = new Buffer(data)
b = new Buffer(b)
b = Buffer.from(ab)
b = Buffer.from(ab, 10)
b = Buffer.from(ab, 10, 20)
b = Buffer.from(data)
b = Buffer.from(string)
b = Buffer.from(b)
b = Buffer.from(ab)
b = Buffer.from(string, 'utf8')
/** @type {boolean} */
var ib = Buffer.isBuffer(string)
ib = Buffer.isBuffer(b)
/** @type {boolean} */
var ie = Buffer.isEncoding('utf8')
ie = Buffer.isEncoding('sirocco5')
/** @type {number} */
var bl = Buffer.byteLength(string)
bl = Buffer.byteLength(b)
bl = Buffer.byteLength(new DataView(ab))
bl = Buffer.byteLength(ab)
bl = Buffer.byteLength(string, 'utf8')
b = Buffer.concat([b, b])
b = Buffer.concat([b, b], 10)
/** @type {number} */
var n = Buffer.compare(b, b)
b = Buffer.alloc(10)
b = Buffer.alloc(10, string)
b = Buffer.alloc(10, b)
b = Buffer.alloc(10, 10)
b = Buffer.alloc(10, string, 'utf8')
b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10)
b = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(10)
/** @type {number} */
var ps = Buffer.poolSize
Because of warnings and cases that tsickle
can't handle, some externs need manual update by looking at the error messages and also manual inspection of generated code.
The globals are only defined as the global
object in global.d.ts
: declare var global: NodeJS.Global;
. These do not get propagated to the global scope. For now, we're not sure whether properties of the NodeJS.Global
other than Buffer should be expanded into the global context, because Closure will probably handle them already since they're generic JS.
export interface Global {
Array: typeof Array;
ArrayBuffer: typeof ArrayBuffer;
Boolean: typeof Boolean;
Buffer: typeof Buffer;
DataView: typeof DataView;
Date: typeof Date;
Error: typeof Error;
EvalError: typeof EvalError;
Float32Array: typeof Float32Array;
Float64Array: typeof Float64Array;
Function: typeof Function;
GLOBAL: Global;
Infinity: typeof Infinity;
Int16Array: typeof Int16Array;
Int32Array: typeof Int32Array;
Int8Array: typeof Int8Array;
Intl: typeof Intl;
JSON: typeof JSON;
Map: MapConstructor;
Math: typeof Math;
NaN: typeof NaN;
Number: typeof Number;
Object: typeof Object;
Promise: Function;
RangeError: typeof RangeError;
ReferenceError: typeof ReferenceError;
RegExp: typeof RegExp;
Set: SetConstructor;
String: typeof String;
Symbol: Function;
SyntaxError: typeof SyntaxError;
TypeError: typeof TypeError;
URIError: typeof URIError;
Uint16Array: typeof Uint16Array;
Uint32Array: typeof Uint32Array;
Uint8Array: typeof Uint8Array;
Uint8ClampedArray: Function;
WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor;
WeakSet: WeakSetConstructor;
// clearImmediate is part of global extern
clearImmediate: (immediateId: any) => void;
// clearInterval is skipped by tsickle
clearInterval: (intervalId: NodeJS.Timer) => void;
// clearTimeout is skipped by tsickle
clearTimeout: (timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer) => void;
// console is part of global extern
console: typeof console;
decodeURI: typeof decodeURI;
decodeURIComponent: typeof decodeURIComponent;
encodeURI: typeof encodeURI;
encodeURIComponent: typeof encodeURIComponent;
escape: (str: string) => string;
eval: typeof eval;
// global is part of global extern
global: Global;
isFinite: typeof isFinite;
isNaN: typeof isNaN;
parseFloat: typeof parseFloat;
parseInt: typeof parseInt;
// process is part of global extern
process: Process;
// root is NOT part of global extern: SHOULD IT BE?
root: Global;
// setImmediate is part of global extern
setImmediate: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ...args: any[]) => any;
// setInterval is skipped by tsickle
setInterval: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]) => NodeJS.Timer;
// setTimeout is skipped by tsickle
setTimeout: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]) => NodeJS.Timer;
undefined: typeof undefined;
unescape: (str: string) => string;
gc: () => void;
v8debug?: any;
The issue with splitting the declarations into separate files is that it is harder to merge upstream updates into it, and a lot of manual work has to be done. Therefore, ideally there would have to be patch scripts that would allow to update generated types, however at the moment externs are updated by hand when there are warnings.
import getExternsDir, { dependencies } from '@externs/nodejs'
The externs for each of the modules are found in the published v8
directory. The global
and nodejs
externs always need to be present when compiling a Node.JS program (unless its in pure JS). Externs might depend on other externs, and the dependency tree is exported by this package:
/* alanode example/ */
import getExternsDir, { dependencies } from '../src'
console.log('Externs dir: %s', getExternsDir())
Externs dir: v8
{ url: [ 'querystring' ],
stream: [ 'events' ],
net: [ 'stream', 'events', 'dns' ],
fs: [ 'stream', 'events', 'url' ],
tls: [ 'crypto', 'dns', 'net', 'stream' ],
http: [ 'events', 'net', 'stream', 'url' ],
https: [ 'tls', 'events', 'http', 'url' ],
http2: [ 'events', 'fs', 'net', 'stream', 'tls', 'http', 'url' ],
zlib: [ 'stream' ],
child_process: [ 'events', 'stream', 'net' ],
cluster: [ 'child_process', 'events', 'net' ],
readline: [ 'events', 'stream' ],
repl: [ 'stream', 'readline' ],
dgram: [ 'events', 'dns' ],
string_decoder: [ 'buffer' ],
domain: [ 'events' ],
tty: [ 'net' ] }
getExternsDir(): string
Runs require.resolve('@externs/nodejs/package.json')
to find the location of this package, and adds the v8
at the end to point to the externs version 8 (currently only Node 8 is supported).
These externs were generated for the use by Depack: the dependency bundler for the web and back-end Node.JS. Depack will perform regex-based static analysis on modules, and when they import an internal module (e.g., path
), it will mark an extern as needed to be added. It will then add the require
call to the output wrapper:
import { join } from 'path'
// will produce the wrapper
const path = require('path')
The important thing about how compiling Node.JS packages works in Depack, is the strategy when a pseudo built-in module is placed in node_modules
. For example, for the path
internal, the following code will be produced in node_modules/path/index.js
export default path
export const {
} = path
Because path
was previously defined in the output wrapper and an extern was added, all its properties will be destructured and exported correctly.
This might need some rethinking...
There are 3 modules that have the same name as some global variable: module
and console
and buffer
. The crypto
extern already exists in the GCC. Therefore, Depack will require them using an underscore:
// module !== require('module') so this is good
const _module = require('module')
// console === require('console') so we might change that later
const _console = require('console')
// buffer === require('buffer') so we might change that later
const _buffer = require('buffer')
const _crypto = require('crypto')
There were warnings that were emitted during the generation of each extern. Those warnings needed to be fixed manually. There are also TODO
statements generated by tsickle
that could not perform some analysis. They also needed (and still need) to be fixed manually.
is not able to handle:
:export interface IncomingHttpHeaders { 'accept'?: string; }
:export type ServerOptions = tls.SecureContextOptions & tls.TlsOptions;
omitting interface deriving from class
(not always):export interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter { }
omitting heritage reference to a type/value
(not sure wat):export interface ErrnoException extends Error { }
omitting interface deriving from class For some reason, the class will not always be able to extend another class. E.g., the
@extends {event.EventEmitter}
has to be added manually in many files that rely on it.
and Stream
have a typed structure that exports an internal
declare module "events" {
class internal extends NodeJS.EventEmitter { }
namespace internal {
export class EventEmitter extends internal {
static listenerCount(emitter: EventEmitter, event: string | symbol): number;
export = internal;
This will result in externs having the internal
* @param {(string|symbol)} type
* @return {number}
events.internal.EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function(type) {};
This is obviously incorrect, so that .internal
needs to be removed manually.
// interface NodeBuffer extends Uint8Array {
types-v8/global.d.ts(188,1): warning TS0: omitting heritage reference to a type/value conflict: Uint8Array
[x] Add @ extends {Uint8Array}
to Buffer.
[x] Update NodeRequire
to be callable, add tests:
Before | After |
[x] The NodeModule.prototype.require
should not reference NodeRequire instead of NodeRequireFunction because NodeRequire is just a function without additional properties such as .cache
etc. However, NodeRequireFunction still needs to be changed to a function from @struct
Node.JS is an interface that contains API referenced in other classes. Although there's no such thing as NodeJS extern, its properties are referenced in other externs. Because it is also referenced in the global.d.ts
, it will always be added by Depack when compiling a Node.JS program.
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(98,3): warning TS0: omitting heritage reference to a type/value conflict: Error
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(123,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: EventEmitter
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(137,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: EventEmitter
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(149,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: EventEmitter
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(255,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: EventEmitter
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(270,7): warning TS0: should not emit a 'never' type
types-v8/nodejs.d.ts(446,7): warning TS0: anonymous type has no symbol
@extends {Error}
to ErrnoException@extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
to ReadableStream@extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
to WritableStream@extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
to Events@extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
to ProcessIntl
type to NodeJS.Global.prototype.Intl;@struct
from ProcessEnv to prevent warningtest/code.js:7: WARNING - Cannot do '[]' access on a struct
const output = process.env['OUTPUT']
to the Closure's Error extern..internal
.Because events is both a namespace, and a function, it is exported in the following way:
/** @const */
var events = {};
* @extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
* @constructor
* @struct
events = function() {};
This will lead to the compiler warning:
v8/events.js:15: WARNING - accessing name events in externs has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
events = function() {};
v8/events.js:15: WARNING - constant events assigned a value more than once.
Original definition at v8/events.js:9
events = function() {};
Therefore, we collapse the 2 declarations together into
* @extends {NodeJS.EventEmitter}
* @constructor
* @struct
var events = function() {};
// export class Duplex extends Readable implements Writable {
types-v8/stream.d.ts(200,7): warning TS0: omitting @implements of a class: Writable
cannot inherit more than one class, the @extends {Writable}
is not added, however because the methods have been defined in types as implementations of the Writable
interfaces, they are added to the Duplex prototype itself.Same as for events (see above), collapse the declaration into a single var
* @extends {events.EventEmitter}
* @constructor
* @struct
var stream = function() {};
// export function fail(message?: string): never;
types-v8/assert.d.ts(19,7): warning TS0: should not emit a 'never' type
// export function fail(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string, operator?: string, stackStartFn?: Function): never;
types-v8/assert.d.ts(20,7): warning TS0: should not emit a 'never' type
and {}
namespace declaration (see Events for description).AssertionError
does extend Error
.// export class AssertionError implements Error {
types-v8/assert.d.ts(4,7): warning TS0: omitting heritage reference to a type/value conflict: Error
added in V8.13.0
added in V8.13.0
added in V8.13.0
There are some missing APIs that appeared in Node 8 that are not present in types.
@ extends {events.EventEmitter}
to Cluster.// export interface Cluster extends events.EventEmitter {
types-v8/cluster.d.ts(98,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: events.EventEmitter
externs already exists in GCC, therefore the extern's namespace is added as `crypto.
types-v8/crypto.d.ts(10,14): warning TS0: type/symbol conflict for Certificate, using {?} for now
types-v8/dns.d.ts(272,7): warning TS0: unhandled anonymous type with multiple call signatures
types-v8/dns.d.ts(273,7): warning TS0: unhandled anonymous type with multiple call signatures
types-v8/dns.d.ts(274,7): warning TS0: unhandled anonymous type with multiple call signatures
The Resolver class has resolve
, resolve4
, resolve6
methods which it references in its definition, however those methods have multiple call signatures.
export function resolve(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: "A", callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: "AAAA", callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
// + N more
export class Resolver {
resolve: typeof resolve;
resolve4: typeof resolve4;
resolve6: typeof resolve6;
This means the externs cannot be generated.
/** @type {?} */
/** @type {?} */
/** @type {?} */
// export interface FSWatcher extends events.EventEmitter {
types-v8/fs.d.ts(46,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: events.EventEmitter
@extends {events.EventEmitter}
to FSWatcher.// export interface ClearTextStream extends stream.Duplex {
types-v8/tls.d.ts(327,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Duplex
* @extends {stream.Duplex}
to ClearTextStream.Update Property Signatures.
/* TODO: PropertySignature: http.'accept' */
type.types-v8/https.d.ts(12,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/https.d.ts(25,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/https.d.ts(44,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/https.d.ts(45,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/https.d.ts(46,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
// export interface Http2Stream extends stream.Duplex {
types-v8/http2.d.ts(61,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Duplex
// export interface Http2Session extends events.EventEmitter {
types-v8/http2.d.ts(248,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: events.EventEmitter
// export interface Http2Server extends net.Server {
types-v8/http2.d.ts(405,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: net.Server
// export interface Http2SecureServer extends tls.Server {
types-v8/http2.d.ts(449,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: tls.Server
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(32,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(33,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(34,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(35,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(36,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(37,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/zlib.d.ts(38,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: stream.Transform
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(10,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: events.EventEmitter
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(126,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(129,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(133,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(139,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(144,7): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(145,7): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(147,7): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(172,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(174,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(198,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(199,3): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(213,7): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
types-v8/child_process.d.ts(214,7): warning TS0: unhandled type flags: IncludesNonWideningType
// export var inspect: {
types-v8/util.d.ts(11,14): warning TS0: unhandled anonymous type
Here, the inspect
is defined in curly brackets for all of its possible signatures. tsickle
does not understand that.
export var inspect: {
(object: any, showHidden?: boolean, depth?: number | null, color?: boolean): string;
(object: any, options: InspectOptions): string;
colors: {
[color: string]: [number, number] | undefined
styles: {
[style: string]: string | undefined
defaultOptions: InspectOptions;
custom: symbol;
// export interface CustomPromisify<TCustom extends Function> extends Function {
types-v8/util.d.ts(42,3): warning TS0: omitting heritage reference to a type/value conflict: Function
// export var ucs2: ucs2;
types-v8/punycode.d.ts(6,14): warning TS0: type/symbol conflict for ucs2, using {?} for now
// export interface ReadLine extends events.EventEmitter {
types-v8/readline.d.ts(17,3): warning TS0: omitting interface deriving from class: events.EventEmitter
argument to _interface
, otherwise the following error is shown:@externs/nodejs/v8/readline.js:185: ERROR - Parse error. ')' expected
readline.emitKeypressEvents = function(stream, interface) {};
// export class Recoverable extends SyntaxError {
types-v8/repl.d.ts(65,3): warning TS0: omitting heritage reference to a type/value conflict: SyntaxError
node_modules/util/index.js:11: WARNING - Property getSystemErrorName never defined on util
-[x] Adding to util.getSystemErrorName
to externs manually.
-[x] Add decode
and encode
aliases to parse
and stringify
-[x] Add the Stream
alias to Socket
(currently the type is incorrect, i.e., /** @type {net.Socket} */ net.Stream
. This assigned the instance type rather than constructor type.
Currently, after some ignored properties and methods not defined in externs, there are still warnings that have not been handled.
node_modules/buffer/index.js:6: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property constants never defined on buffer
node_modules/buffer/index.js:7: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property kMaxLength never defined on buffer
node_modules/buffer/index.js:8: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property kStringMaxLength never defined on buffer
node_modules/console/index.js:6: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property context never defined on Console
node_modules/constants/index.js:4: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property COPYFILE_EXCL never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:27: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property EDQUOT never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:44: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property EMULTIHOP never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:95: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property ESTALE never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:103: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:125: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTO never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:126: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_DIGEST never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:127: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_MAX_SIGN never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:139: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property SIGINFO never defined on constants
node_modules/constants/index.js:216: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property UV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCL never defined on constants
node_modules/domain/index.js:4: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property active never defined on domain
node_modules/domain/index.js:6: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property createDomain never defined on domain
node_modules/http2/index.js:3: WARNING - [JSC_BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS] Access to private property Http2ServerRequest of {
ClientHttp2Session: (typeof http2.ClientHttp2Session),
ClientHttp2Stream: (typeof http2.ClientHttp2Stream),
ClientSessionOptions: None,
ClientSessionRequestOptions: (typeof http2.ClientSessionRequestOptions),
Http2SecureServer: (typeof http2.Http2SecureServer),
Http2Server: (typeof http2.Http2Server),
Http2ServerRequest: (typeof http2.Http2ServerRequest),
Http2ServerResponse: (typeof http2.Http2ServerResponse),
Http2Session: (typeof http2.Http2Session),
Http2Stream: (typeof http2.Http2Stream), ...
} not allowed here.
node_modules/http2/index.js:4: WARNING - [JSC_BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS] Access to private property Http2ServerResponse of {
ClientHttp2Session: (typeof http2.ClientHttp2Session),
ClientHttp2Stream: (typeof http2.ClientHttp2Stream),
ClientSessionOptions: None,
ClientSessionRequestOptions: (typeof http2.ClientSessionRequestOptions),
Http2SecureServer: (typeof http2.Http2SecureServer),
Http2Server: (typeof http2.Http2Server),
Http2ServerRequest: (typeof http2.Http2ServerRequest),
Http2ServerResponse: (typeof http2.Http2ServerResponse),
Http2Session: (typeof http2.Http2Session),
Http2Stream: (typeof http2.Http2Stream), ...
} not allowed here.
node_modules/process/index.js:7: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property assert never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:8: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property binding never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:14: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property dlopen never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:21: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property features never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:28: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property initgroups never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:32: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property moduleLoadList never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:37: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property ppid never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/process/index.js:38: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property reallyExit never defined on NodeJS.Process
node_modules/repl/index.js:4: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property REPL_MODE_MAGIC never defined on repl
node_modules/repl/index.js:5: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property REPL_MODE_SLOPPY never defined on repl
node_modules/repl/index.js:6: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property REPL_MODE_STRICT never defined on repl
node_modules/repl/index.js:9: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property writer never defined on repl
node_modules/timers/index.js:3: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property active never defined on timers
node_modules/timers/index.js:7: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property enroll never defined on timers
node_modules/timers/index.js:11: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property unenroll never defined on timers
node_modules/tls/index.js:5: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property DEFAULT_CIPHERS never defined on tls
node_modules/tls/index.js:7: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property SLAB_BUFFER_SIZE never defined on tls
node_modules/tls/index.js:13: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property convertALPNProtocols never defined on tls
node_modules/tls/index.js:14: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property convertNPNProtocols never defined on tls
node_modules/tls/index.js:19: WARNING - [JSC_INEXISTENT_PROPERTY] Property parseCertString never defined on tls
0 error(s), 38 warning(s), 97.5% typed
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