Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Customize configuration
See Configuration Reference.
自定义滚动选择 (custom-picker)
- props:
- value: v-model 绑定值,控制弹框显示隐藏
- title: 弹框标题
- tableTitle: 表头
- cols: 数据列数
- data: 数据,参考 mand-mobile picker
- isCascade: 各列数据是否级联
- defaultIndex: 选择器各列初始选中项索引
- defaultValue: 选择器各列初始选中项值
- invalidIndex: 选择器各列不可用选项索引
- rollLine: 整行滚动,参考信用卡还款分期期数选择
- emit:
- confirm: 确认触发事件
Current Tags
(2 years ago)
2 Versions