Last updated 2 years ago .
MIT · · Tarball · package.json
$ gnpm install @gidc-fjnx-h5-standard/progress-step 
Private package


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

结果页 (result-page)

  • props:
  • state: 结果页状态,waiting/success/warning/error
  • title: 结果页主信息
  • msg: 结果页副信息
  • btnType: 页面按钮排列类型,row/col
  • btnBottom: 是否固定在底部
  • btnMsg: 按钮信息,数组,元素属性包括 text/plain/click
  •      text: 按钮文字
  •      plain: 按钮样式
  •      click: 点击返回事件带回
  • emit:
  • click: 结果页点击触发事件,返回值为 btnMsg 传入的 click 属性

Current Tags

  • 0.0.2                                ...           latest (2 years ago)

2 Versions

  • 0.0.2                                ...           2 years ago
  • 0.0.1                                ...           2 years ago
Today 0
This Week 0
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Last Day 0
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Last Month 0
Dependencies (2)
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