A Gemfile.lock parser for Node.js represented with JSON.
Last updated 6 years ago by snyk-admin .
MIT · Repository · Bugs · Original npm · Tarball · package.json
$ gnpm install @snyk/gemfile 
SYNC missed versions from official npm registry.


A Gemfile.lock parser for Node.js represented with JSON.


$ npm install gemfile


// Takes a path to a Gemfile.lock.
parse(filename) // String => Promise => String
parseSync(filename) // String => String

// Takes the Gemfile.lock in String format.
interpret(gemfile) // String => String

Output Expectations

  1. Anything that looks like a path will be identifiable by .path.
  2. Anything that looks like a package version will be identifiable by .version.
  3. Anything that uses a remote resource that is not https://rubygems.org will be identifiable by .outsourced.
  4. Anything that looks like a SHA-1 will be identifiable by .sha.
  5. Everything other than "BUNDLED WITH" is an object.
  6. "BUNDLED WITH" is not an Object, but rather a String containing the version.


$ npm test


Please feel free to improve the script and submit a pull request.

Current Tags

  • 1.2.0                                ...           latest (6 years ago)

3 Versions

  • 1.2.0                                ...           6 years ago
  • 1.1.0                                ...           6 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           7 years ago
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