WHATWG spec-compliant implementations of window.atob and window.btoa.
Last updated 2 years ago by jeffcarp .
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A JavaScript module that implements window.atob and window.btoa according the forgiving-base64 algorithm in the Infra Standard. The original code was forked from w3c/web-platform-tests.

Compatibility: Node.js version 3+ and all major browsers.

Install with npm:

npm install abab


btoa (base64 encode)

const { btoa } = require('abab');
btoa('Hello, world!'); // 'SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=='

atob (base64 decode)

const { atob } = require('abab');
atob('SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=='); // 'Hello, world!'

Valid characters

Per the spec, btoa will accept strings "containing only characters in the range U+0000 to U+00FF." If passed a string with characters above U+00FF, btoa will return null. If atob is passed a string that is not base64-valid, it will also return null. In both cases when null is returned, the spec calls for throwing a DOMException of type InvalidCharacterError.


If you want to include just one of the methods to save bytes in your client-side code, you can require the desired module directly.

const atob = require('abab/lib/atob');
const btoa = require('abab/lib/btoa');


If you're submitting a PR or deploying to npm, please use the checklists in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Remembering what atob and btoa stand for

Base64 comes from IETF RFC 4648 (2006).

  • btoa, the encoder function, stands for binary to ASCII, meaning it converts any binary input into a subset of ASCII (Base64).
  • atob, the decoder function, converts ASCII (or Base64) to its original binary format.

Current Tags

  • 2.0.6                                ...           latest (2 years ago)

12 Versions

  • 2.0.6                                ...           2 years ago
  • 2.0.5                                ...           4 years ago
  • 2.0.4                                ...           4 years ago
  • 2.0.3                                ...           5 years ago
  • 2.0.2                                ...           5 years ago
  • 2.0.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 2.0.0                                ...           6 years ago
  • 1.0.4                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.0.3                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.2                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.1                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           9 years ago
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