Small abstraction to help build out user defined extension messages in an RPC system
Last updated 4 years ago by mafintosh .
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Small abstraction to help build out user defined extension messages in an RPC system.

npm install abstract-extension

See hypercore and hypercore-protocol for a full example on how to use this


const AbstractExtension = require('abstract-extension')

Imports the AbstractExtension class. You should extend this and add the functionality you need.


Detroy an extension instance. Removes the message from the local pairing instance.


The local id of the message. Send this over the wire instead of the message name after exchanging the initial message names.

const bool = abstractExtension.remoteSupports()

True if the remote also supports this message. Note that nothing bad will having from sending a message the remote does not support.

const buffer = abstractExtension.encode(message)

Encode a message to a buffer based on the message encoding.

const local = AbstractExtension.createLocal(handlers)

Create a local message pairing instance.

Whenever the messages are updated local.onextensionupdate() will be called if provided.

const msg = local.add(name, handlers)

Add a new message. name should be the string name of a message.

  • handlers.encoding is an optional encoding for the message payload. Can be either json, utf-8, binary or any abstract encoding.
  • handlers.onmessage(message, context) is called when a message has been received and pairing.
  • handlers.onerror(error, context) is called when a message fails to decode.

const list = local.names()

Returns a sorted list of message names. You need to pass this to another remote pairing instance somehow.

const remote = local.remote()

Call this to setup remote pairing.


Pass the names of another instance to setup the pairing

remote.onmessage(id, message, [context])

Pair the remote id with the corresponding local message and call the onmessage handler. Optionally pass a context object that is simply passed along to the message.onmessage function



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  • 3.1.1                                ...           latest (4 years ago)

4 Versions

  • 3.1.1                                ...           4 years ago
  • 3.1.0                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.0.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
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