$ gnpm install array-lru
A really fast LRU cache for array items (numeric keys)
npm install array-lru
Credit to @dominictarr for telling me about this neat algorithm for LRUs.
var alru = require('array-lru')
var lru = alru(512) // create a lru that can contain 512 values
lru.set(42, {hello: 'world'})
console.log(lru.get(42)) // {hello: 'world'}
It works similar to a normal hash table except when a bucket is full it will evict the oldest one from the bucket to make room for the new value.
var lru = alru(size, [options])
Create a new LRU instance. Options include:
collisions: 4, // how many hash collisions before evicting (default 4)
evict: fn, // call this function with (index, value) when someone is evicted
indexedValues: false // set to true if your values has a .index property
Size should be a multiple of collections
. If not, it will be coerced into one.
var value = lru.get(index)
Get a value from the cache. If the index is not found, null
is returned.
lru.set(index, value)
Insert a new value in the cache. If there is no room in the hash bucket that
maps to, the oldest value in the bucket will be evicted.
On my MacBook 12" I can set/get around 7.500.000 values per second, YMMV.
Run the benchmark using npm run bench
to test it for yourself.
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