$ gnpm install bind-easy
Easily create UDP sockets and TCP servers that bind to ports.
npm install bind-easy
const bind = require('bind-easy')
// bind to any port
const server = await bind.tcp()
// try binding to a specific port, fallback to any
const server = await bind.tcp(8080)
// try binding to a range of ports, fallback to any
const server = await bind.tcp([8080, 8081, 8082])
// try binding to a range of ports, fallback to any
const server = await bind.tcp([8080, 8081, 8082])
// try binding to a range of ports, fail if that cannot be done
const server = await bind.tcp([8080, 8081, 8082], { allowAny: false })
// The same API applies for udp and dual mode
// try binding to a range of UDP ports, fallback to any
const socket = await bind.udp([8080, 8081, 8082])
// try binding to the same port for both a UDP socket and TCP server, fallback to any
const { server, socket } = await bind.dual(8080)
server = await bind.tcp([ports], [{ allowAny }])
Bind a TCP server. Pass a range of ports to try.
If none of the ports work, bind to a random free one unless allowAny is set. If only one port is specified, it will try nearby ports first.
socket = await bind.udp(...)
Same but for a UDP socket.
{ server, socket } = await bind.dual(...)
Same but for both a TCP server and UDP socket binding to the same port.
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