$ gnpm install contains-path
Return true if a file path contains the given path.
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save contains-path
Install with yarn:
$ yarn add contains-path
As of v1.0.0, this library no longer uses regex for matching. Please do not hesitate to report any issues or regressiosn.
var containsPath = require('contains-path');
containsPath('foo/bar', 'foo'); //=> true
containsPath('foo/bar', 'bar'); //=> true
containsPath('foo/bar', 'qux'); //=> false
// returns false for partial matches
containsPath('foobar', 'foo'); //=> false
containsPath('foo.bar', 'foo'); //=> false
containsPath('foo.bar', 'bar'); //=> false
// prefix with "./" to match from beginning of filepath
containsPath('bar/foo', 'foo'); //=> true
containsPath('bar/foo', './foo'); //=> false
Prefix with !
to invert matching behavior:
containsPath('foo/bar', '!foo'); //=> false
containsPath('foo/bar', '!qux'); //=> true
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable case sensitivity.
containsPath('foo/bar', 'FOO'); //=> false
containsPath('foo/bar', 'FOO', {nocase: true}); //=> true
Type: boolean
Default: false
Allow "partial" matches:
containsPath('foobar', 'foo'); //=> false
containsPath('foobar', 'foo', {partialMatch: true}); //=> true
containsPath('foo.bar', 'foo'); //=> false
containsPath('foo.bar', 'foo', {partialMatch: true}); //=> true
if the given string
or array
ends with suffix
using strict equality for… more | homepagetrue
if a file path ends with the given string/suffix. | homepagePull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Commits | Contributor |
2 | jonschlinkert |
1 | germtb |
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To generate the readme, run the following command:
$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
$ npm install && npm test
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright © 2017, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT License.
This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.5.0, on April 17, 2017.
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