$ gnpm install conventional-changelog-atom
conventional-changelog atom preset.
Issues with the convention itself should be reported on the Atom issue tracker.
# yarn
yarn add -D conventional-changelog-atom
# pnpm
pnpm add -D conventional-changelog-atom
# npm
npm i -D conventional-changelog-atom
when improving the format/structure of the code:racehorse:
when improving performance:non-potable_water:
when plugging memory leaks:memo:
when writing docs:penguin:
when fixing something on Linux:apple:
when fixing something on Mac OS:checkered_flag:
when fixing something on Windows:bug:
when fixing a bug:fire:
when removing code or files:green_heart:
when fixing the CI build:white_check_mark:
when adding tests:lock:
when dealing with security:arrow_up:
when upgrading dependencies:arrow_down:
when downgrading dependencies:shirt:
when removing linter warningsBased on https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#git-commit-messages
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