conventional-changelog core
Last updated 7 years ago by hbetts .
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conventional-changelog core

You are probably looking for the cli module. Or use one of the plugins if you are already using the tool: grunt/gulp/atom.


$ npm install --save conventional-changelog-core
var conventionalChangelogCore = require('conventional-changelog-core');

  .pipe(process.stdout); // or any writable stream


conventionalChangelogCore([options, [context, [gitRawCommitsOpts, [parserOpts, [writerOpts]]]]])

Returns a readable stream.

Note: options.transform, options.pkg.transform and writerOpts.transform are different. If you have a better naming suggestion, please send a PR.



Type: promise, function or object

This should serve as default values for other arguments of conventionalChangelogCore so you don't need to rewrite the same or similar config across your projects. Any value in this could be overwritten. If this is a promise (recommended if async), it should resolve with the config. If this is a function, it expects a node style callback with the config object. If this is an object, it is the config object. The config object should include context, gitRawCommitsOpts, parserOpts and writerOpts.


Type: object


Type: string Default: closest package.json.

The location of your "package.json".


Type: function Default: pass through.

A function that takes package.json data as the argument and returns the modified data. Note this is performed before normalizing package.json data. Useful when you need to add a leading 'v' to your version or modify your repository url, etc.


Type: boolean Default: false

Should the log be appended to existing data.


Type: number Default: 1

How many releases of changelog you want to generate. It counts from the upcoming release. Useful when you forgot to generate any previous changelog. Set to 0 to regenerate all.


Type: boolean Default: false

If set, unstable release tags will be skipped, e.g., x.x.x-rc.


Type: function Default: function() {}

A debug function. EG: console.debug.bind(console)


Type: function Default: options.debug

A warn function. EG: grunt.verbose.writeln


Type: function Default: get the version (without leading 'v') from tag and format date.

function(commit, cb)

A transform function that applies after the parser and before the writer.

This is the place to modify the parsed commits.

####### commit

The commit from conventional-commits-parser.

####### cb

Callback when you are done.

####### this

this arg of transform handler of a stream.


Type: boolean Default: true if a different version than last release is given. Otherwise false.

If this value is true and context.version equals last release then context.version will be changed to 'Unreleased'.

NOTE: You may want to combine this option with releaseCount set to 0 to always overwrite the whole CHANGELOG. conventional-changelog only outputs a CHANGELOG but doesn't read any existing one.


Specify a package in lerna-style monorepo that the CHANGELOG should be generated for.

Lerna tags releases in the format foo-package@1.0.0 and assumes that packages are stored in the directory structure ./packages/foo-package.


Specify a prefix for the git tag that will be taken into account during the comparison. For instance if your version tag is prefixed by version/ instead of v you would specify --tagPrefix=version/


See the conventional-changelog-writer docs. There are some defaults or changes:


Default: normalized host found in package.json.


Default: version found in package.json.


Default: extracted from normalized package.json repository.url field.


Default: extracted from normalized package.json repository.url field.


Default: The whole normalized repository url in package.json.


Type: array

All git semver tags found in the repository. You can't overwrite this value.


Type: string Default: previous semver tag or the first commit hash if no previous tag.


Type: string Default: current semver tag or 'v' + version if no current tag.


Type: object

Your package.json data. You can't overwrite this value.


Type: boolean Default: true if previousTag and currentTag are truthy.

Should link to the page that compares current tag with previous tag?


See the git-raw-commits docs. There are some defaults:


Default: '%B%n-hash-%n%H%n-gitTags-%n%d%n-committerDate-%n%ci'


Default: based on options.releaseCount.


Default: true if options.append is truthy.


Type: function Default: options.debug


See the conventional-commits-parser docs.


Default: options.warn


See the conventional-changelog-writer docs. There are some defaults:


Finalize context is used for generating above context.

NOTE: If you overwrite this value the above context defaults will be gone.


Type: function Default: options.debug


Default: options.append


Default: options.outputUnreleased

Notes for parent modules

This module has options append and releaseCount. However, it doesn't read your previous changelog. Reasons being:

  1. The old logs is just to be appended or prepended to the newly generated logs, which is a very simple thing that could be done in the parent module.
  2. We want it to be very flexible for the parent module. You could create a readable stream from the file or you could just read the file.
  3. We want the duty of this module to be very minimum.

So, when you build a parent module, you need to read the old logs and append or prepend to them based on options.append. However, if options.releaseCount is 0 you need to ignore any previous logs. Please see conventional-github-releaser as an example.

Arguments passed to conventionalChangelogCore will be mutated.



Current Tags

  • 7.0.0                                ...           latest (a year ago)
  • 4.2.1                                ...           next (4 years ago)

67 Versions

  • 7.0.0                                ...           a year ago
  • 6.0.0                                ...           a year ago
  • 5.0.2                                ...           a year ago
  • 5.0.1                                ...           a year ago
  • 5.0.0                                ...           a year ago
  • 4.2.4                                ...           3 years ago
  • 4.2.3                                ...           3 years ago
  • 4.2.2                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.2.1                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.2.0                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.1.8                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.1.7                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.1.6                                ...           4 years ago
  • 4.1.5                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.1.4                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.1.3                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.1.2                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.1.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.1.0                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.0.3                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.0.2                                ...           5 years ago
  • 4.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.2.3                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.2.2                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.2.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 3.1.6                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.1.5                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.1.4                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.1.3                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.1.2                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.1.0                                ...           6 years ago
  • 3.0.0                                ...           6 years ago
  • 2.0.11                                ...           6 years ago
  • 2.0.10                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.9                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.8                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.7                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.6                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.5                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.4                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.3                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.1                                ...           7 years ago
  • 2.0.0                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.5                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.4                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.3                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.2                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.1                                ...           7 years ago
  • 1.9.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.8.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.7.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.6.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.5.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.4.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.3.4                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.3.3                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.3.2                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.3.1                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.3.0                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.2.0                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.1.0                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.2                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.1                                ...           9 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           9 years ago
  • 0.0.2                                ...           9 years ago
  • 0.0.1                                ...           9 years ago
  • 0.0.0                                ...           9 years ago
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