$ gnpm install drange
For adding/subtracting sets of range of numbers.
const DRange = require('drange');
let allNums = new DRange(1, 100); //[ 1-100 ]
let badNums = DRange(13).add(8).add(60,80); //[8, 13, 60-80]
let goodNums = allNums.clone().subtract(badNums);
console.log(goodNums.toString()); //[ 1-7, 9-12, 14-59, 81-100 ]
let randomGoodNum = goodNums.index(Math.floor(Math.random() * goodNums.length));
Creates a new instance of DRange.
The total length of all subranges
Adds a subrange
Adds all of another DRange's subranges
Subtracts a subrange
Subtracts all of another DRange's subranges
Keep only subranges that overlap the given subrange
Intersect all of another DRange's subranges
Get the number at the specified index
let drange = new DRange()
drange.add(1, 10);
drange.add(21, 30);
console.log(drange.index(15)); // 25
Get contained numbers
let drange = new DRange(1, 4)
console.log(drange.numbers()); // [1, 3, 4, 6]
Get copy of subranges
let drange = new DRange(1, 4)
drange.add(6, 8);
{ low: 1, high: 4, length: 4 },
{ low: 6, high: 8, length: 3 }
Clones the drange, so that changes to it are not reflected on its clone
npm install drange
Tests are written with mocha
npm test
DRange includes TypeScript definitions.
import * as DRange from "drange";
const range: DRange = new Drange(2, 5);
Use dtslint to check the definition file.
npm install -g dtslint
npm run dtslint
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