$ gnpm install eslint-config-bevry
Bevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLint based on the following:
and configures it with its recommended rules and the react version you are usingeslint-plugin-react-hooks
and configures it with its recommended ruleseslint-plugin-typescript
, then configure ESLint for it
, then configure ESLint for iteslint-config-prettier
and configures it with its recommended rulesTo make use of it, you must first install it as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-bevry
Then for full automatic usage, the only ESLint configuration you will need is to add the following to your package.json
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": ["bevry"]
If you would like more control, rather than extending bevry
directly, you can extend the individual parts instead:
contains the rules for our coding standard, you can use or not use this to your likingbevry/adapt
contains the adaptive configuration, this should be the last extension you applyTo ensure it is working, compare the results of the following command with what you would expect:
npx eslint --print-config .
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