$ gnpm install extract-opts
Extract the options and callback from a function's arguments easily
npm install --save extract-opts
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/extract-opts'
This package is published with the following editions:
aliases extract-opts/source/index.js
is esnext source code with require for modulesextract-opts/edition-browsers/index.js
is esnext compiled for browsers with require for modulesvar log = console.log.bind(console)
var extractOptsAndCallback = require('extract-opts')
// fs.readFile(filename, [options], callback)
function readFile (filename, opts, next) {
// Extract options and callback
var args = extractOptsAndCallback(opts, next)
opts = args[0]
next = args[1]
// Forward for simplicities sake
require('fs').readFile(filename, opts, next)
// Test it
readFile('package.json', log) // works with no options
readFile('package.json', null, log) // works with null options
readFile('package.json', {next: log}) // works with just options
Extract Options and Callback also supports a third argument.
You can use this third argument to customize the completionCallbackNames
property that defaults to ['next']
This is useful if your completion callback has other names besides next
Allowing you to do the following:
var log = console.log.bind(console)
function extractOptsAndCallback (opts, next, config) {
if ( config == null ) config = {}
if ( config.completionCallbackNames == null ) config.completionCallbackNames = ['next', 'complete', 'done']
return require('extract-opts')(opts, next, config)
// The readFile method as before
// Test it
readFile('package.json', {next: log}) // works the standard completion callback name
readFile('package.json', {complete: log}) // works with our custom completion callback name
readFile('package.json', {done: log}) // works with our custom completion callback name
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