Guard against sleep mode timeouts firing on wake
Last updated 5 years ago by davidmarkclements .
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Guard against sleep mode timeouts firing on wake


If a process goes into a sleep mode (for instance a laptop hibernates, or a service is put into inspect mode) then timeouts may trigger on wake. Depending on your use case (think distributed systems) you might not want to trigger a timeout if process uptime hasn't actually occurred in that period.

The guard-timeout module will check if there is a significant lag (default 1s) between when the timeout was scheduled to fire and when it actually fired.


$ npm i guard-timeout


const setTimeout = require('guard-timeout')

// if the timeout is 1 second late, 
// it will be reschedule for another 20 minutes

  () => { console.log('do something') }, 
  1.2e+6 // 20 minutes

Advanced Usage

Configure your own safe timeout:

const setTimeout = require('guard-timeout').create({
  lagMs: 60 * 1000 // 1 minute lag

// if the timeout is 1 minute late, 
// it will be reschedule for another 20 minutes

  () => { console.log('do something') }, 
  1.2e+6 // 20 minutes

Await Usage

guard-timeout has util.promisify support:

const { promisify } = require('util')
const timeout = promisify(require('guard-timeout'))

async function run () {
  // if the timeout is 1 second late, 
  // it will be reschedule for another 20 minutes
  await timeout(1.2e+6) // 20 minutes
  console.log('do something')



require('guard-timeout') => setTimeout (cb, time, ...args) => instance

The default export of guard-timeout a is safe setTimeout function with a default lagMs option of 1000 (one second).

require('guard-timeout').create(opts) => setTimeout (cb, time, ...args) => instance

Create a custom safe setTimeout function by passing in options


Clears the timeout


A getter property which holds current underlying timeout object (or numerical ID in the browser).


  • lagMsNumber, default: 1000. The allowable delta between when a timeout should fire and when it actually fires, in milliseconds. If this is exceeded then the timeout is rescheduled.
  • rescheduler - Function, default: (t, instance) => t. A mapping function to calculate when the timeout should be rescheduled for. It takes two args, the time that the timeout was scheduled for and the timeout instance returned from guard-timeout (which comes Node's native setTimeout). The instance argument can be used to apply specific reschedule times to specific timeouts. The return value should be a number representing milliseconds for the rescheduled timeout.


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue


David Mark Clements


Copyright © 2020 David Mark Clements Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • 2.0.0                                ...           latest (5 years ago)

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  • 2.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
  • 1.0.2                                ...           5 years ago
  • 1.0.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
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