$ gnpm install hypercore-cache
A caching module for Hypercore tree nodes and blocks.
This module mplements the hashlru algorithm internally for LRU caching, but it uses byte length estimates instead of the entry count for eviction.
npm i hypercore-cache --save
const cache = new HypercoreCache(opts = {})
Creates a new cache.
Options can include:
maxByteSize: 1e6, // The soft maximum size of the cache (actual max size can go up to 2x this value).
estimateSize: val => { ... }, // A function from a value to its size estimate.
onEvict: (evicted) => { ... } // A hook that's called when stale entries (a Map) have been evicted.
cache.set(key, value)
Sets key
to value
Gets the value for key
Deletes key
from the cache.
const subCache = cache.namespace()
Creates a namespaced sub-cache which mirrors the hypercore-cache API.
This is useful if you want to create a single cache instance that manages resources for multiple hypercores.
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