An abstract-encoding compliant encoder for encoding a list of ipv4 peers to buffers
Last updated 5 years ago by mafintosh .
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An abstract-encoding compliant encoder for encoding a list of ipv4 peers to buffers.

npm install ipv4-peers

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var peers = require('ipv4-peers')

var buf = peers.encode([{
  host: '',
  port: 8080
}, {
  host: '',
  port: 9090

console.log(buf) // 12 byte buffer
console.log(peers.decode(buf)) // the peer list


var buf = peers.encode(peerList, [buffer], [offset])

Encode a list of ipv4 peers into a buffer.

var peers = peers.decode(buffer, [offset], [end])

Decode a buffer into a list of peers.

var length = peers.encodingLength(peerList)

Returns the amount of bytes needed to encode the peers into a buffer

peers = peers.idLength(idByteLength)

Create a new ipv4-peers decoder that encodes/decodes a fixed size peer id in addition to host/port. The peer id is exposed as the .id property on a peer object.



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  • 2.0.0                                ...           latest (5 years ago)

4 Versions

  • 2.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
  • 1.1.1                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.1.0                                ...           8 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           8 years ago
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