$ gnpm install resolve-dependency
Finds The File That Dependency Path Resolves To.
yarn add -E resolve-dependency
async resolveDependency(path: string, relativeFrom?: string): { path: string, isDir: boolean }
The package is available by importing its default function:
import resolveDependency from 'resolve-dependency'
async resolveDependency(
path: string,
relativeFrom?: string,
): { path: string, isDir: boolean }
For the path that is used to require a module from another module, find the destination of the actual file on the file system. This includes the index JS and JSX files of directories. The second relativeFrom
argument is used to point to the file in which the path is required from.
/* yarn example/ */
import resolveDependency from 'resolve-dependency'
import { resolve } from 'path'
(async () => {
// 1. Resolve index.js from directory
const res = await resolveDependency('./example/dir')
// 2. Resolve index.jsx from directory
const res2 = await resolveDependency('./example/jsx')
// 3. Resolve file without extension
const res3 = await resolveDependency('./example/dir/index')
// 4. Resolve relative dependency
const res4 = await resolveDependency('./lib', 'example/jsx/index.js')
// 4. Resolve absolute dependency
const res5 = await resolveDependency(
'./lib', resolve('example/jsx/index.js'))
{ path: 'example/dir/index.js', isDir: true }
{ path: 'example/jsx/index.jsx', isDir: true }
{ path: 'example/dir/index.js', isDir: false }
{ path: 'example/jsx/lib/index.js', isDir: true }
{ path: '/Users/zavr/adc/resolve-dependency/example/jsx/lib/index.js',
isDir: true }
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