$ gnpm install retimer
reschedulable setTimeout for your node needs. This library is built for building a keep alive functionality across a large numbers of clients/sockets.
Rescheduling a 10000 functions 20 times with an interval of 50ms (see
), with 100 repetitions:
benchSetTimeout*100: 40.295s
benchRetimer*100: 36.122s
npm install retimer --save
var retimer = require('retimer')
var timer = retimer(function () {
throw new Error('this should never get called!')
}, 20)
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10)
}, 10)
Exactly like your beloved setTimeout
Returns a Retimer object
Reschedule the timer. Retimer will not gove any performance benefit if the specified timeout comes before the original timeout.
Clear the timer, like your beloved clearTimeout
Timers are stored in a Linked List in node.js, if you create a lot of timers this Linked List becomes massive which makes removing a timer an expensive operation. Retimer let the old timer run at its time, and schedule a new one accordingly, when the new one is after the original timeout. There is no performance gain when the new timeout is before the original one as retimer will just remove the previous timer.
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