$ gnpm install snapsvg
A JavaScript SVG library for the modern web. Learn more at snapsvg.io.
bower install snap.svg
npm install snapsvg
In your HTML file, load simply by:
<script src="snap.svg-min.js"></script>
No other scripts are needed. Both the minified and uncompressed (for development) versions are in the /dist
To load with webpack use following command:
const Snap = require(`imports-loader?this=>window,fix=>module.exports=0!snapsvg/dist/snap.svg.js`);
Snap.svg uses Grunt to build.
cd Snap.svg
npm install -g grunt-cli
*You might need to use sudo npm
, depending on your configuration.
npm install
*Snap.svg uses Grunt 0.4.0. You might want to read more on their website if you haven’t upgraded since a lot has changed.
folder.grunt watch
to have the build run automatically when you make changes to source files.Tests are located in test
folder. To run tests, simply open test.html
in there. Automatic tests use PhantomJS to scrap this file, so you can use it as a reference.
Alternatively, install PhantomJS and run command
grunt test
git checkout -b my_branch
git commit -am "Added some awesome stuff"
git push origin my_branch
(!) branch.Note: Pull requests to other branches than dev
or without filled CLA wouldn’t be accepted.
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