$ gnpm install spdx-license-list
List of SPDX licenses
The lists of licenses are just JSON files and can be used anywhere.
Using SPDX License List version 3.22 (2023-10-05)
npm install spdx-license-list
const spdxLicenseList = require('spdx-license-list');
name: 'MIT License',
url: 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT',
osiApproved: true
const mitLicense = require('spdx-license-list/licenses/MIT');
//=> 'MIT License\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) <year> <copyright holders> …'
You can also get a version with the licence text included:
const spdxLicenseList = require('spdx-license-list/full');
name: 'MIT License',
url: 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT',
osiApproved: true,
licenseText: '…'
Or just the license IDs as a Set
const spdxLicenseList = require('spdx-license-list/simple');
//=> Set {'Glide', 'Abstyles', …}
Type: object
The licenses are indexed by their identifier and contains a name
property with the full name of the license, url
with the URL to the license, and osiApproved
boolean for whether the license is OSI Approved.
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