$ gnpm install static-module
convert module usage to inline expressions
Here's a simplified version of the brfs module using static-module.
brfs converts fs.readFileSync(file)
calls to inline strings with the contents
of file
included in-place.
var staticModule = require('static-module');
var quote = require('quote-stream');
var fs = require('fs');
var sm = staticModule({
fs: {
readFileSync: function (file) {
return fs.createReadStream(file).pipe(quote());
}, { vars: { __dirname: __dirname + '/brfs' } });
$ cat brfs/source.js
var fs = require('fs');
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/x.txt');
$ node brfs.js < brfs/source.js
var src = "beep boop\n";
var staticModule = require('static-module')
Return a transform stream sm
that transforms javascript source input to
javascript source output with each property in the modules
object expanded in
inline form.
Properties in the modules
object can be ordinary values that will be included
directly or functions that will be executed with the statically
evaluated arguments from the source
under an optional set of opts.vars
Property functions can return streams, in which case their contents will be piped directly into the source output.
Otherwise, the return values of functions will be inlined into the source in place as strings.
Use opts.varModules
to map whitelisted module names to definitions that can be
declared in client code with var
and will appear in static expressions like
For example, to make this code with path.join()
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var src = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'x.txt'), 'utf8');
you can do:
var staticModule = require('static-module');
var quote = require('quote-stream');
var fs = require('fs');
var sm = staticModule({
fs: {
readFileSync: function (file) {
return fs.createReadStream(file).pipe(quote());
varMods: { path: require('path') }
}, { vars: { __dirname: __dirname + '/brfs' } });
Use opts.parserOpts
to set additional options for the
acorn parser.
Set opts.sourceMap
to true
to generate a source map and add it as an inline
comment. You can add opts.inputFilename
to configure the original file name
that will be listed in the source map.
With npm do:
npm install static-module
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