$ gnpm install stream-splicer
streaming pipeline with a mutable configuration
This module is similar to stream-combiner, but with a pipeline configuration that can be changed at runtime.
This example begins with an HTTP header parser that waits for an empty line to signify the end of the header. At that point, it switches to a streaming json parser to operate on the HTTP body.
var splicer = require('stream-splicer');
var through = require('through2');
var jsonStream = require('jsonstream2');
var split = require('split2');
var headerData = {};
var headers = through.obj(function (buf, enc, next) {
var line = buf.toString('utf8');
if (line === '') {
pipeline.splice(1, 1, jsonStream.parse([ 'rows', true ]));
else {
var m = /^(\S+):(.+)/.exec(line);
var key = m && m[1].trim();
var value = m && m[2].trim();
if (m) headerData[key] = value;
var pipeline = splicer([ split(), headers, jsonStream.stringify() ]);
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: substack.net
User-Agent: echo
$ echo -ne 'GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: substack.net\nUser-Agent: echo\n\n{"rows":["beep","boop"]}\n' | node example/header.js
var splicer = require('stream-splicer')
Create a pipeline
duplex stream given an array of streams
. Each stream
will be piped to the next. Writes to pipeline
get written to the first stream
and data for reads from pipeline
come from the last stream.
For example, for streams [ a, b, c, d ]
, this pipeline is constructed
Input will get written into a
. Output will be read from d
If any of the elements in streams
are arrays, they will be converted into
nested pipelines. This is useful if you want to expose a hookable pipeline with
grouped insertion points.
Create a pipeline
with opts.objectMode
set to true for convenience.
Splice the pipeline starting at index
, removing howMany
streams and
replacing them with each additional stream
argument provided.
The streams that were removed from the splice and returned.
Push one or more streams to the end of the pipeline.
Pop a stream from the end of the pipeline.
Unshift one or more streams to the begining of the pipeline.
Shift a stream from the begining of the pipeline.
Return the stream at index index, ...
. Indexes can be negative.
Multiple indexes will traverse into nested pipelines.
The number of streams in the pipeline
With npm do:
npm install stream-splicer
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