$ gnpm install wdio-reporter
A WebdriverIO utility to help reporting all events
The wdio-reporter
package can be used to create own custom reporter and publish them to NPM. They have to follow a specific convention as described below in order to work properly. First you need to add wdio-reporter
as dependency of your custom reporter:
npm install wdio-reporter
yarn add wdio-reporter
Then you need to extend your reporter with the main wdio-reporter class:
import WDIOReporter from 'wdio-reporter'
export default MyCustomeReporter extends WDIOReporter {
constructor () {
// your custom logic if necessary
// ...
onRunnerStart () {
// ...
onSuiteStart (suite) {
// ...
// ...
The WDIOReporter calls your event functions if provided when an event was triggered and provides information on that event in a consistent format. You can always register your own listener to receive the raw data that was provided by the framework, e.g. instead of using the onSuiteStart
method you can do:
this.on('suite:start', (raw) => {
// ...
in your constructor function.
User can pass in custom configurations for each reporter. Per default WebdriverIO populates the logDir
and logLevel
option to the reporter, they can get overwritten too. For example, if the user has provided the following reporter options:
// wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
// ...
reporters: ['dot', ['my-reporter', {
logDir: '/some/path',
foo: 'bar'
// ...
your options in your reporter class are as follows:
export default class MyReporter extends WDIOReporter {
constructor () {
* outputs:
* {
* logDir: '/some/path',
* logLevel: 'trace',
* foo: 'bar'
* }
You can access all options via this.options
. You can push logs to stdout or a log file depending of whether the stdout
option is true or false. Please use the internal method write
that is provided by the WDIOReporter
parent class in order to push out logs, e.g.
class MyReporter extends WDIOReporter {
constructor (options) {
* make dot reporter to write to output stream by default
options = Object.assign(options, { stdout: true })
// ...
onTestPass (test) {
this.write(`test "${test.title}" passed`)
// ...
This will result the following output:
"MyReporter" Reporter:
test "some test" passed
test "some other test" passed
"spec" Reporter:
If stdout
is set to false
WebdriverIO will automatically write to a filestream at a location where other logs are stored as well.
During a test run in WebdriverIO several events are thrown and can be captured by your event functions. The following events are propagated:
These events are containing data about the test regardless of the framework it is running in.
SuiteStats {
type: 'suite',
start: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.177Z',
duration: 0,
uid: 'root suite2',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'root suite',
fullTitle: 'root suite',
tests: [],
hooks: [],
suites: [] } }
SuiteStats {
type: 'suite',
start: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.177Z',
duration: 1432,
uid: 'root suite2',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'root suite',
fullTitle: 'root suite',
tests: [ [TestStats] ],
hooks: [ [HookStats], [HookStats] ],
suites: [ [Object] ],
end: '2018-02-09T13:30:41.609Z' } }
HookStats {
type: 'hook',
start: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.181Z',
duration: 0,
uid: '"before each" hook4',
cid: '0-0',
title: '"before each" hook',
parent: 'root suite',
parentUid: 'root suite2' } }
HookStats {
type: 'hook',
start: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.181Z',
duration: 1,
uid: '"before each" hook4',
cid: '0-0',
title: '"before each" hook',
parent: 'root suite',
parentUid: 'root suite2',
end: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.182Z' } }
TestStats {
type: 'test',
start: '2018-02-09T13:30:40.180Z',
duration: 0,
uid: 'passing test3',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'passing test',
fullTitle: 'passing test',
state: 'pending' } }
TestStats {
type: 'test',
start: '2018-02-09T14:01:04.573Z',
duration: 0,
uid: 'skipped test6',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'skipped test',
fullTitle: 'skipped test',
state: 'skipped' }
TestStats {
type: 'test',
start: '2018-02-09T14:11:28.075Z',
duration: 1503,
uid: 'passing test3',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'passing test',
fullTitle: 'passing test',
state: 'passed',
end: '2018-02-09T14:11:29.578Z' } }
TestStats {
type: 'test',
start: '2018-02-09T14:11:29.581Z',
duration: 21,
uid: 'failing test8',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'failing test',
fullTitle: 'failing test',
state: 'failed',
end: '2018-02-09T14:11:29.602Z',
{ message: 'some error',
stack: `Error: some error\n at Context.it (/path/to/project/test/b.js:17:19)\n
at /path/to/project/packages/wdio-sync/src/index.js:490:28\n at Promise (<anonymous>)\
n at F (/path/to/project/node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_export.js:35:28)\n at
Context.executeSync (/path/to/project/packages/wdio-sync/src/index.js:488:12)\n at /path/to/project/packages/wdio-sync/src/index.js:623:33`,
type: 'Error' } } }
TestStats {
type: 'test',
start: '2018-02-09T14:11:28.075Z',
duration: 1503,
uid: 'passing test3',
cid: '0-0',
title: 'passing test',
fullTitle: 'passing test',
state: 'passed',
end: '2018-02-09T14:11:29.578Z' } }
These events contain information on the test runner.
RunnerStats {
type: 'runner',
start: '2018-02-09T14:30:19.871Z',
duration: 0,
cid: '0-0',
{ acceptInsecureCerts: false,
browserName: 'firefox',
browserVersion: '59.0',
'moz:accessibilityChecks': false,
'moz:headless': false,
'moz:processID': 92113,
'moz:profile': '/var/folders/ns/8mj2mh0x27b_gsdddy1knnsm0000gn/T/rust_mozprofile.jlpfs632Becb',
'moz:webdriverClick': true,
pageLoadStrategy: 'normal',
platformName: 'darwin',
platformVersion: '17.3.0',
rotatable: false,
timeouts: { implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000 } },
sanitizedCapabilities: 'firefox.59_0.darwin',
config: [Object],
specs: [ '/path/to/project/test/my.test.js' ] }
RunnerStats {
type: 'runner',
start: '2018-02-09T14:30:19.871Z',
duration: 1546,
uid: undefined,
cid: '0-0',
capabilities: [Object],
sanitizedCapabilities: 'firefox.59_0.darwin',
config: [Object],
specs: [ '/path/to/project/test/my.test.js' ],
failures: 1,
end: '2018-02-09T14:30:21.417Z' } }
Client events are triggered when certain interactions with the automation driver are happening.
{ method: 'GET',
endpoint: '/session/:sessionId/element',
body: { using: 'css selector', value: 'img' }
cid: '0-0',
sessionId: '4d1707ae-820f-1645-8485-5a820b2a40da',
capabilities: [Object] }
{ method: 'GET',
endpoint: '/session/:sessionId/element/fbf57b79-6521-7d49-b3b7-df91cf2c347a/rect',
body: {},
result: { value: { x: 75, y: 11, width: 160, height: 160 } },
cid: '0-0',
sessionId: '4d1707ae-820f-1645-8485-5a820b2a40da',
capabilities: [Object] }
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