Which kind of boxed JS primitive is this?
Last updated 4 years ago by ljharb .
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Which kind of boxed JS primitive is this? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on instanceof or mutable properties, and works despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.


var whichBoxedPrimitive = require('which-boxed-primitive');
var assert = require('assert');

// unboxed primitives return `null`
// boxed primitives return the builtin constructor name

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(undefined), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(null), null);

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(false), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(true), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Boolean(false)), 'Boolean');
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Boolean(true)), 'Boolean');

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(42), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(NaN), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(Infinity), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Number(42)), 'Number');
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Number(NaN)), 'Number');
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Number(Infinity)), 'Number');

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(''), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive('foo'), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new String('')), 'String');
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new String('foo')), 'String');

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(Symbol()), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(Object(Symbol()), 'Symbol');

assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(42n), null);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(Object(42n), 'BigInt');

// non-boxed-primitive objects return `undefined`
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive([]), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive({}), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(/a/g), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new RegExp('a', 'g')), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(new Date()), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(function () {}), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(function* () {}), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive(x => x * x), undefined);
assert.equal(whichBoxedPrimitive([]), undefined);


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  • 1.0.2                                ...           latest (4 years ago)

3 Versions

  • 1.0.2                                ...           4 years ago
  • 1.0.1                                ...           5 years ago
  • 1.0.0                                ...           5 years ago
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