$ gnpm install worktank
A simple isomorphic library for executing functions inside WebWorkers or Node Threads pools.
module.npm install --save worktank
There are two ways to make worker pools, one is dynamic and can be done entirely at runtime, the other one is static and requires a bundler plugin.
Dynamic pools can be created at runtime and require no bundler plugin at all, for them to work the functions to execute in worker threads must be serializable just by calling #toString
on them, basically they must not depend on their closure.
First of all you have to make a worker pool:
import WorkTank from 'worktank';
const pool = new WorkTank ({
name: 'example', // Name of the worker pool, useful for debugging purposes
size: 5, // The maximum number of worker threads to spawn, they will only get spawned if actually needed
timeout: 10000, // The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the result from the worker, if exceeded the worker is terminated and the execution promise rejects
warmup: true, // Pre-spawn all the workers, so that they could be closer to being ready when needed
autoterminate: 60000, // The interval of milliseconds at which to check if the pool can be automatically terminated, to free up resources, workers will be spawned up again if needed
methods: { // An object mapping function names to functions objects to serialize and deserialize into each worker thread, only functions that don't depend on their closure can be serialized
sum: function ( a: number, b: number ): Promise<number> {
const {default: math} = await import ( 'math' );
return math.sum ( a + b );
foo: () => {}, // Another method to pass to worker threads
bar: () => {} // Another method to pass to worker threads
Then you can call exec
on the pool instance, to call the method that you want inside the first available worker:
const result = await pool.exec (
'sum', // Name of the method to call in the worker thread
[10, 5] // Array of arguments to call the method with in the worker thread
console.log ( result ); // 15
Lastly once you are done with the pool you can call terminate
on it to end all the worker threads the pool spawned and free up some memory, if you call exec
on the pool again after having called terminate
on it the needed worker threads will be spawned up again:
pool.terminate ();
That's it! Super easy, isn't it?
Static pools require a bundler plugin to make, the plugin allows you to move to worker pools functions that depend on their closure, for example functions that might need to import some dependency that needs to be bundled too.
The following plugins are currently available:
Read their documentation to learn how to use them, but TL;DR: it's mostly just a matter of adding a couple of lines of configuration for your bundlers.
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