Packages by aaronabramov [SYNC profile]

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@aaronabramov Wed Sep 20 2023 17:28:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • @jest/core (latest: 29.5.0) Delightful JavaScript Testing.
  • jest-changed-files (latest: 29.5.0) A module used internally by Jest to check which files have changed since you last committed in git or hg.
  • jest-validate (latest: 29.5.0) Generic configuration validation tool that helps you with warnings, errors and deprecation messages as well as showing users examples of correct configuration.
  • babel-jest (latest: 29.5.0) Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
  • jest-docblock (latest: 29.4.3) `jest-docblock` is a package that can extract and parse a specially-formatted comment called a "docblock" at the top of a file.
  • jest-mock (latest: 29.5.0) **Note:** More details on user side API can be found in [Jest documentation](
  • babel-preset-jest (latest: 29.5.0) > Babel preset for all Jest plugins. This preset is automatically included when using [babel-jest](
  • @jest/expect (latest: 29.5.0) This package extends `expect` library with `jest-snapshot` matchers. It exports `jestExpect` object, which can be used as standalone replacement of `expect`.
  • babel-plugin-jest-hoist (latest: 29.5.0) Babel plugin to hoist `jest.disableAutomock`, `jest.enableAutomock`, `jest.unmock`, `jest.mock`, calls above `import` statements. This plugin is automatically included when using [babel-jest](
  • jest-util (latest: 29.7.0) This packages is a collection of utilities and helper functions
  • @jest/types (latest: 29.6.3) This package contains shared types of Jest's packages.
  • @jest/expect-utils (latest: 29.7.0) This module exports some utils for the `expect` function used in [Jest](
  • jest-diff (latest: 29.7.0) Display differences clearly so people can review changes confidently.
  • jest-get-type (latest: 29.6.3) A utility function to get the type of a value
  • jest-matcher-utils (latest: 29.7.0) A set of utility functions for expect and related packages
  • @jest/schemas (latest: 29.6.3) Experimental and currently incomplete module for JSON schemas for [Jest's]( configuration.

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