Packages by ai [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@ai Wed Sep 20 2023 17:33:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • autoprefixer-core (latest: 6.0.1) autoprefixer-core was depreacted, use autoprefixer
  • postcss-jsx (latest: 0.36.4) PostCSS syntax for parsing CSS in JS literals
  • nanocolors (latest: 0.2.13) 4x times faster than chalk and use 5x less space in node_modules
  • postcss-nested (latest: 6.0.1) PostCSS plugin to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does it
  • cssnano (latest: 6.0.1) A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.
  • autoprefixer (latest: 10.4.15) Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
  • postcss-colormin (latest: 6.0.0) Minify colors in your CSS files with PostCSS.
  • postcss-reduce-initial (latest: 6.0.0) Reduce initial definitions to the actual initial value, where possible.
  • postcss-svgo (latest: 6.0.0) Optimise inline SVG with PostCSS.
  • update-browserslist-db (latest: 1.0.13) CLI tool to update caniuse-lite to refresh target browsers from Browserslist config
  • stylehacks (latest: 6.0.2) Detect/remove browser hacks from CSS files.
  • browserslist (latest: 4.22.2) Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset
  • postcss-selector-parser (latest: 6.0.15) > Selector parser with built in methods for working with selector strings.
  • postcss (latest: 8.4.33) Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
  • caniuse-lite (latest: 1.0.30001583) A smaller version of caniuse-db, with only the essentials!
  • nanoid (latest: 5.0.5) A tiny (116 bytes), secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator
  • shortid (latest: 2.2.16) Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator.

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