Packages by bevryme [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@bevryme Fri Oct 06 2023 06:14:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • esnextguardian (latest: 1.2.1) Load your ES6+ files if the user's environment supports it, otherwise gracefully fallback to your ES5 files.
  • getcontributors (latest: 2.23.0) Fetch all the contributors from a github repository, github organisation, or github search
  • caterpillar-filter (latest: 6.15.0) Filter out undesired log levels from your Caterpillar logger stream
  • caterpillar-human (latest: 6.15.0) Turn your [Caterpillar]( logger stream into a beautiful readable format with colors and optional debug information
  • githubauthquerystring (latest: 4.0.0) Authorise GitHub API requests by appending the environments auth credentials to your request's query string.
  • feedr (latest: 4.8.0) Use feedr to fetch the data from a remote url, respect its caching, and parse its data. Despite its name, it's not just for feed data but also for all data that you can feed into it (including binary data).
  • extract-opts (latest: 4.3.0) Extract the options and callback from a function's arguments easily
  • getrepos (latest: 5.17.0) Fetch the specified repositories, or those that match a particular github user or search query
  • cson (latest: 7.20.0) CoffeeScript-Object-Notation Parser. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.
  • domain-browser (latest: 4.22.0) Node's domain module for the web browser. This is merely an evented try...catch with the same API as node, nothing more.
  • sortobject (latest: 4.16.0) Returns a copy of an object, sorted deeply by its keys, without mangling any arrays inside of it
  • version-range (latest: 1.4.0) Check version ranges like `>=N` and `X || Y || Z` with support for Node.js, Web Browsers, Deno, and TypeScript.
  • @bevry/ansi (latest: 3.3.0) ANSI colors and styles for Deno, Node.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript
  • fellow (latest: 6.24.0) Fellow is a package for creating people that can be unified by their shared values via a singleton list on the class
  • safeps (latest: 10.17.0) Work with processes safely and easily with Node.js
  • version-compare (latest: 1.4.0) Comparator to determine if a version is less than, equivalent to, or greater than another version
  • githubauthreq (latest: 8.0.0) Authorize GitHub API requests with the appropriate credentials and preferences.
  • requirefresh (latest: 5.4.0) Require a file without adding it into the require cache
  • valid-module (latest: 2.6.0) Verify that file or package, be it remote, or local, is a valid ECMAScript Module
  • errlop (latest: 8.4.0) An extended Error class that envelops a parent error, such that the stack trace contains the causation
  • editions (latest: 6.21.0) Publish multiple editions for your JavaScript packages consistently and easily (e.g. source edition, esnext edition, es2015 edition)
  • ambi (latest: 10.9.0) Ambi lets you execute any function ambidextrously; providing you the ability to execute any function (be it synchronous, asynchronous, returns, callbacks, promises) as if it returned a promise.
  • typechecker (latest: 9.3.0) Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)
  • istextorbinary (latest: 9.5.0) Determine if a filename and/or buffer is text or binary. Smarter detection than the other solutions.
  • binaryextensions (latest: 6.11.0) A package that contains an array of every single file extension there is for binary files
  • textextensions (latest: 6.11.0) A package that contains an array of every single file extension there is for text files
  • normalify (latest: 2.32.0) Normalize different variable value types - e.g. `"1"` becomes `1`
  • rfc-log-levels (latest: 4.3.0) A map of log level aliases matched to their numeric values. Follows the RFC Standard.
  • badges (latest: 4.40.0) The definitive collection of badges for rendering
  • assert-helpers (latest: 11.12.0) Common utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easier
  • @bevry/render (latest: 1.2.0) Render elements for HTML and Markdown
  • kava (latest: 7.9.0) Kava has been powering accurate test suites for Node.js and Web Browsers since 2012.
  • event-emitter-grouped (latest: 6.7.0) Emit events in serial or parallel with support for synchronous and asynchronous listeners
  • taskgroup (latest: 9.8.0) Group together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.
  • unbounded (latest: 6.3.1) Function.prototype.bind replacement that provides an `unbounded` hidden property on the returned bounded function, that contains the original unbounded function
  • eachr (latest: 7.4.0) Give eachr an item to iterate (array, object or map) and an iterator, then in return eachr gives iterator the value and key of each item, and will stop if the iterator returned false.
  • extendr (latest: 7.10.0) Utilities for cloning, extending, and de-referencing objects in shallow, deep, and safe ways
  • watchr (latest: 6.11.0) Better file system watching for Node.js
  • ignorepatterns (latest: 5.6.0) A regular expression that matches common filenames that we want to ignore
  • ignorefs (latest: 5.0.4) Ignore common and custom patterns of the file system
  • safefs (latest: 8.10.0) Stop getting EMFILE errors! Open only as many files as the operating system supports.
  • @bevry/update-contributors (latest: 1.23.0) Update the package.json author, contributors, and maintainers fields with the latest remote data
  • eslint-config-bevry (latest: 5.5.0) Bevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLint.
  • make-deno-edition (latest: 2.3.0) Automatically makes package.json projects (such as npm packages and node.js modules) compatible with Deno.
  • projectz (latest: 4.2.0) Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!
  • valid-directory (latest: 4.9.0) Check whether or not a directory and its descendants are valid
  • readdir-cluster (latest: 6.0.0) Create a cluster of workers to iterate through the filesystem
  • @bevry/github-contributors (latest: 4.2.0) Fetch all the contributors from a github repository, github organization, or github search
  • @bevry/json (latest: 2.4.0) Helpers for reading and writing JSON.
  • @bevry/fs-list (latest: 2.7.0) List the entire contents of a directory.
  • get-cli-arg (latest: 8.6.0) Get the value of a CLI argument
  • @bevry/file (latest: 2.3.0) Helpers for reading, writing, deleting, and accessing a file.
  • caterpillar (latest: 8.2.0) Caterpillar is the ultimate logging system for Deno, Node.js, and Web Browsers. Log levels are implemented to the RFC standard. Log entries can be filtered and piped to various streams, including coloured output to the terminal, the browser's console, and
  • @bevry/argument (latest: 1.2.0) Parse CLI arguments with only the magic you actually need
  • @bevry/github-api (latest: 11.4.0) Interact with the GitHub API, fetching commits, repositories, members, and backers (authors, maintainers, contributors, funders, sponsors, donors)
  • arrange-package-json (latest: 5.2.0) Arrange the properties in the package.json file to a universally consistent order
  • trim-empty-keys (latest: 1.2.0) Trim empty, nullish, or falsey keys from your JSON object
  • @bevry/github-repos (latest: 7.0.0) Fetch the GitHub API response for a specified repository, or for all those that match a particular GitHub user/organization or a search query
  • native-promise-pool (latest: 3.28.0) Create a pool of a specified concurrency that accepts functions that return promises
  • get-current-line (latest: 7.4.0) Get the current line number of the executing file and method
  • @bevry/list (latest: 2.5.0) List/array/set utility functions: union, intersect, complement, unique, first, last, has, add, toggle
  • arrangekeys (latest: 6.7.0) Returns a copy of a JavaScript object with the keys arranged in a specified order. Useful for formatting JSON files.

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