Packages by isaacs [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@isaacs Wed Sep 20 2023 16:46:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • once (latest: 1.4.0) Run a function exactly one time
  • wrappy (latest: 1.0.2) Callback wrapping utility
  • slide (latest: 1.1.6) A flow control lib small enough to fit on in a slide presentation. Derived live at Oak.JS
  • json-stringify-safe (latest: 5.0.1) Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.
  • inherits (latest: 2.0.4) Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
  • fs.realpath (latest: 1.0.0) Use node's fs.realpath, but fall back to the JS implementation if the native one fails
  • inflight (latest: 1.0.6) Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication
  • sigmund (latest: 1.0.1) Quick and dirty signatures for Objects.
  • yallist (latest: 4.0.0) Yet Another Linked List
  • color-support (latest: 1.1.3) A module which will endeavor to guess your terminal's level of color support.
  • chownr (latest: 2.0.0) like `chown -R`
  • proto-list (latest: 1.2.4) A utility for managing a prototype chain
  • tap-producer (latest: 0.0.1) A module for producing TAP output
  • npmconf (latest: 2.1.3) The config module for npm circa npm@1 and npm@2
  • lockfile (latest: 1.0.4) A very polite lock file utility, which endeavors to not litter, and to wait patiently for others.
  • umask (latest: 1.1.0) convert umask from string <-> number
  • infer-owner (latest: 1.0.4) Infer the owner of a path based on the owner of its nearest existing parent
  • mkdirp-infer-owner (latest: 2.0.0) mkdirp, but chown to the owner of the containing folder if possible and necessary
  • minizlib (latest: 2.1.2) A small fast zlib stream built on [minipass]( and Node.js's zlib binding.
  • util-extend (latest: 1.0.3) Node's internal object extension function
  • minipass-flush (latest: 1.0.5) A Minipass stream that calls a flush function before emitting 'end'
  • promise-call-limit (latest: 1.0.1) Call an array of promise-returning functions, restricting concurrency to a specified limit.
  • common-ancestor-path (latest: 1.0.1) Find the common ancestor of 2 or more paths on Windows or Unix
  • tap-results (latest: 0.0.2) A util for keeping track of tap result objects
  • tap-runner (latest: 0.0.7) A module for running all the tests in a directory
  • tap-test (latest: 0.0.2) A test framework for running TAP test
  • tap-harness (latest: 0.0.3) A harness for TAP Tests to use
  • tap-consumer (latest: 0.0.1) A module for consuming TAP output
  • nyc (latest: 15.1.0) the Istanbul command line interface
  • fs-exists-cached (latest: 1.0.0) Just like `fs.exists` and `fs.existsSync`, but cached
  • own-or (latest: 1.0.0) Either use the object's own property, or a fallback
  • yapool (latest: 1.0.0) Yet Another object pool in JavaScript
  • bind-obj-methods (latest: 3.0.0) Bind methods to an object from that object or some other source. Optionally specify a set of methods to skip over.
  • url-parse-as-address (latest: 1.0.0) Parse a url assuming `http` if no protocol or `//` is provided.
  • minipass-sized (latest: 1.0.3) A Minipass stream that raises an error if you get a different number of bytes than expected
  • config-chain (latest: 1.1.13) HANDLE CONFIGURATION ONCE AND FOR ALL
  • dezalgo (latest: 1.0.4) Contain async insanity so that the dark pony lord doesn't eat souls
  • proc-log (latest: 3.0.0) just emit 'log' events on the process object
  • json-stringify-nice (latest: 1.1.4) Stringify an object sorting scalars before objects, and defaulting to 2-space indent
  • core-util-is (latest: 1.0.3) The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.
  • npm-bundled (latest: 3.0.0) list things in node_modules that are bundledDependencies, or transitive dependencies thereof
  • treeverse (latest: 3.0.0) Walk any kind of tree structure depth- or breadth-first. Supports promises and advanced map-reduce operations with a very small API.
  • graceful-fs (latest: 4.2.11) A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
  • promzard (latest: 1.0.0) prompting wizardly
  • stack-utils (latest: 2.0.6) Captures and cleans stack traces
  • node (latest: 19.8.1) node
  • libnpmexec (latest: 5.0.13) npm exec (npx) programmatic API
  • libnpmversion (latest: 4.0.2) library to do the things that 'npm version' does
  • parse-conflict-json (latest: 3.0.1) Parse a JSON string that has git merge conflicts, resolving if possible
  • spawn-wrap (latest: 2.0.0) Wrap all spawned Node.js child processes by adding environs and arguments ahead of the main JavaScript file argument.
  • minimatch (latest: 9.0.3) a glob matcher in javascript
  • path-scurry (latest: 1.10.1) walk paths fast and efficiently
  • foreground-child (latest: 3.1.1) Run a child as if it's the foreground process. Give it stdio. Exit when it exits.
  • mkdirp (latest: 3.0.1) Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
  • signal-exit (latest: 4.1.0) when you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.
  • @isaacs/cliui (latest: 8.0.2) easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces
  • ini (latest: 4.1.1) An ini encoder/decoder for node
  • tar (latest: 6.2.0) tar for node
  • which (latest: 4.0.0) Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.
  • minipass-fetch (latest: 3.0.4) An implementation of window.fetch in Node.js using Minipass streams
  • isexe (latest: 3.1.1) Minimal module to check if a file is executable.
  • minipass-collect (latest: 2.0.1) A Minipass stream that collects all the data into a single chunk
  • rimraf (latest: 5.0.5) A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
  • glob (latest: 10.3.10) the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
  • jackspeak (latest: 2.3.6) A very strict and proper argument parser.
  • minipass (latest: 7.0.4) minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream
  • tshy (latest: 1.2.2) TypeScript HYbridizer - Hybrid (CommonJS/ESM) TypeScript node package builder
  • sync-content (latest: 1.0.2) Synchronize the contents of one folder to another location, only copying files if contents differ.
  • resolve-import (latest: 1.4.2) Look up the file that an `import()` statement will resolve to, possibly relative to a given parentURL
  • walk-up-path (latest: 3.0.1) Given a path string, return a generator that walks up the path, emitting each dirname.
  • tap (latest: 18.4.3) A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
  • async-hook-domain (latest: 4.0.1) An implementation of Domain-like error handling, built on async_hooks
  • function-loop (latest: 4.0.0) Run a list of functions in order in a given object context. The functions can be callback-taking or promise-returning.
  • own-or-env (latest: 1.0.2) Use an objects own property, or an environment variable. Optionally treat as a boolean if the env should be set to 1 or 0.
  • tap-parser (latest: 15.2.0) parse the test anything protocol
  • tcompare (latest: 6.4.2) A comprehensive comparison library, for use in test frameworks
  • treport (latest: 3.0.4) Reporters for node-tap
  • trivial-deferred (latest: 2.0.0) The most dead-simple trivial Deferred implementation
  • libtap (latest: 1.4.1) A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
  • @isaacs/import-jsx (latest: 4.0.1) Require and transpile JSX on the fly (fork of import-jsx for node 17 support)
  • @tapjs/after (latest: 1.1.7) a built-in tap extension for t.after() and t.teardown()
  • @tapjs/asserts (latest: 1.1.7) Tap plugin that adds a heaping pile of assertion methods. Pretty much all of the "test" methods other than `t.pass`, ``, and [snapshot methods]( come from this plugin.
  • @tapjs/before (latest: 1.1.7) a built-in tap extension for t.before()
  • @tapjs/core (latest: 1.3.7) pluggable core of node-tap
  • @tapjs/filter (latest: 1.2.7) tap plugin providing t.only() and grep option
  • @tapjs/fixture (latest: 1.2.7) Tap plugin to provide t.testdir() and t.fixture()
  • @tapjs/intercept (latest: 1.2.7) a built-in tap extension for t.intercept() and t.capture()
  • @tapjs/mock (latest: 1.2.5) tap plugin adding t.mockRequire() and t.mockImport()
  • @tapjs/run (latest: 1.4.3) Command-line interface for the node-tap runner
  • @tapjs/spawn (latest: 1.1.7) a built-in tap extension for t.spawn()
  • @tapjs/stdin (latest: 1.1.7) a built-in tap extension for t.stdin()
  • @tapjs/test (latest: 1.3.7) the pluggable Test class for node-tap
  • @tapjs/typescript (latest: 1.2.7) a built-in tap extension that adds typescript support
  • @tapjs/worker (latest: 1.1.7) a built-in tap extension for t.worker()
  • events-to-array (latest: 2.0.3) Put a bunch of emitted events in an array, for testing.
  • @tapjs/stack (latest: 1.2.5) Utility for working with stack traces
  • @tapjs/processinfo (latest: 3.1.4) A Node.js loader to track processes and which JavaScript files they load.
  • @tapjs/config (latest: 2.4.3) Utility loading and managing tap configuration
  • @tapjs/test-built (latest: 0.0.0) placeholder package for the bundled @tapjs/test dependency
  • @tapjs/error-serdes (latest: 1.1.0) Port of node's error_serdes.js to userland, plus test message streaming
  • polite-json (latest: 4.0.1) JSON.parse and stringify with better errors that respects formatting
  • prismjs-terminal (latest: 1.2.3) PrismaJS syntax highlighting for the terminal
  • ignore-walk (latest: 6.0.3) Nested/recursive `.gitignore`/`.npmignore` parsing and filtering.
  • read (latest: 2.1.0) read(1) for node programs
  • sax (latest: 1.3.0) An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
  • gauge (latest: 5.0.1) A terminal based horizontal gauge
  • tap-yaml (latest: 2.2.1) Yaml handling for TAP parsers and generators
  • lru-cache (latest: 10.2.0) A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.

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