Packages by juliangruber [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@juliangruber Wed Sep 20 2023 17:00:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • isarray (latest: 2.0.5) Array#isArray for older browsers
  • hyperquest (latest: 2.1.3) make streaming http requests
  • isbuffer (latest: 0.0.0) isBuffer for node and browser (supports typed arrays)
  • builtins (latest: 5.0.1) List of node.js builtin modules
  • is-mobile (latest: 3.1.1) Check if mobile browser.
  • component-query (latest: 0.0.3) Query the DOM with selector engine fallback support
  • node-abi (latest: 3.33.0) Get the Node ABI for a given target and runtime, and vice versa.
  • stream (latest: 0.0.2) Node.js streams in the browser
  • within-document (latest: 0.0.3) Check if an element is within the document
  • component-each (latest: 0.2.6) Array / object / string iteration utility
  • discore-closest (latest: 0.2.0) Find the closest ancestor matching a selector string
  • component-type (latest: 1.2.1) Cross-browser type assertions (less broken typeof)
  • array-series (latest: 0.1.5) Call an array of asynchronous functions in series
  • array-parallel (latest: 0.1.3) Call an array of asynchronous functions in parallel
  • balanced-match (latest: 2.0.0) Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"
  • level (latest: 8.0.0) Universal abstract-level database for Node.js and browsers
  • leveldown (latest: 6.1.1) A low-level Node.js LevelDB binding
  • levelup (latest: 5.1.1) Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapper
  • level-packager (latest: 6.0.1) levelup package helper for distributing with an abstract-leveldown store
  • utp-native (latest: 2.5.3) Native bindings for libutp
  • prebuild (latest: 11.0.4) A command line tool for easily making prebuilt binaries for multiple versions of node, electron or node-webkit on a specific platform
  • deferred-leveldown (latest: 7.0.0) A mock abstract-leveldown implementation that queues operations while a real abstract-leveldown instance is being opened
  • level-codec (latest: 10.0.0) Encode keys, values and range options, with built-in or custom encodings
  • encoding-down (latest: 7.1.0) An abstract-leveldown implementation that wraps another store to encode keys and values
  • subleveldown (latest: 6.0.1) Split a levelup database into sublevels with their own keyspace, encoding and events
  • wayfarer (latest: 7.0.1) Composable trie based router
  • koa (latest: 2.14.2) Koa web app framework
  • koa-static (latest: 5.0.0) Static file serving middleware for koa
  • koa-etag (latest: 4.0.0) ETag support for koa
  • koa-send (latest: 5.0.1) Transfer static files
  • @koa/cors (latest: 4.0.0) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(CORS) for koa
  • browser-split (latest: 0.0.1) Cross browser String#split implementation

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