Fri Mar 26 2021 06:38:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
patr(latest: 0.2.6) Promise-based asynchronous test runner
json-schema(latest: 0.4.0) JSON Schema validation and specifications
cbor-x(latest: 1.5.8) Ultra-fast and conformant CBOR (RFC 8949) implementation with support for numerous tag extensions including records and structured cloning
msgpackr-extract(latest: 3.0.2) Node addon for string extraction for msgpackr
cbor-extract(latest: 2.2.0) Node addon for string extraction for cbor-x
msgpackr-extract-darwin-arm64(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on darwin OS with arm64 architecture
msgpackr-extract-darwin-x64(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on darwin OS with x64 architecture
msgpackr-extract-linux-arm64(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on linux OS with arm64 architecture
msgpackr-extract-linux-x64(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on linux OS with x64 architecture
msgpackr-extract-win32-x64(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on win32 OS with x64 architecture
msgpackr-extract-linux-arm(latest: 1.1.0) Platform specific binary for msgpackr-extract on linux OS with arm architecture