Packages by mafintosh [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@mafintosh Wed Sep 20 2023 17:27:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • pump (latest: 3.0.0) pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
  • to-buffer (latest: 1.1.1) Pass in a string, get a buffer back. Pass in a buffer, get the same buffer back
  • end-of-stream (latest: 1.4.4) Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed.
  • concat-stream (latest: 2.0.0) writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result
  • generate-function (latest: 2.3.1) Module that helps you write generated functions in Node
  • browserify (latest: 17.0.0) browser-side require() the node way
  • acorn-node (latest: 2.0.1) the acorn javascript parser, preloaded with plugins for syntax parity with recent node versions
  • module-deps (latest: 6.2.3) walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
  • stream-shift (latest: 1.0.1) Returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue
  • from2 (latest: 2.3.0) Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2"
  • stream-splicer (latest: 2.0.1) streaming pipeline with a mutable configuration
  • gunzip-maybe (latest: 1.4.2) Transform stream that gunzips its input if it is gzipped and just echoes it if not
  • thunky (latest: 1.1.0) delay the evaluation of a paramless async function and cache the result
  • brfs (latest: 2.0.2) browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
  • static-module (latest: 3.0.4) convert module usage to inline expressions
  • static-eval (latest: 2.1.0) evaluate statically-analyzable expressions
  • varint (latest: 6.0.0) protobuf-style varint bytes - use msb to create integer values of varying sizes
  • queue-tick (latest: 1.0.1) Next tick shim that prefers process.nextTick over queueMicrotask for compat
  • router (latest: 1.3.8) Simple middleware-style router
  • multicast-dns (latest: 7.2.5) Low level multicast-dns implementation in pure javascript
  • prebuild-install (latest: 7.1.1) A command line tool to easily install prebuilt binaries for multiple version of node/iojs on a specific platform
  • node-abi (latest: 3.33.0) Get the Node ABI for a given target and runtime, and vice versa.
  • dns-packet (latest: 5.4.0) An abstract-encoding compliant module for encoding / decoding DNS packets
  • duplexify (latest: 4.1.2) Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream with support for async initialization and streams1/streams2 input
  • electron-download (latest: 4.1.1) download electron prebuilt binary zips from github releases
  • watchify (latest: 4.0.0) watch mode for browserify builds
  • nugget (latest: 2.2.0) minimalist wget clone written in node. HTTP GETs a file and saves it to the current working directory
  • single-line-log (latest: 1.1.2) Keep writing to the same line in the terminal. Very useful when you write progress bars, or a status message during longer operations
  • detective (latest: 5.2.1) find all require() calls by walking the AST
  • speedometer (latest: 1.1.0) simple speed measurement in javascript
  • hyperdb (latest: 3.5.0) Distributed scalable database
  • utp-native (latest: 2.5.3) Native bindings for libutp
  • nanoresource (latest: 1.3.0) Small module that helps you maintain state around resources
  • hyperlog (latest: 4.12.1) Merkle DAG that replicates based on scuttlebutt logs and causal linking
  • ssh-exec (latest: 2.0.0) Execute a script over ssh using Node.JS
  • array-lru (latest: 1.1.1) A really fast LRU cache for array items (numeric keys)
  • codecs (latest: 3.0.0) Create an binary encoder/decoder for json, utf-8 or custom types
  • hypercore (latest: 10.8.1) Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log
  • mutexify (latest: 1.4.0) mutex lock for javascript
  • random-access-file (latest: 4.0.0) Continuous reading or writing to a file using random offsets and lengths
  • sodium-universal (latest: 4.0.0) Universal wrapper for sodium-javascript and sodium-native working in Node.js and the Browser
  • unordered-array-remove (latest: 1.0.2) Efficiently remove an element from an unordered array without doing a splice
  • bulk-write-stream (latest: 2.0.1) Writable stream that forwards everything in the highWaterMark buffer to a custom write function using the new writev api in streams
  • nanoiterator (latest: 1.2.1) Lightweight and efficient iterators
  • unordered-set (latest: 2.0.1) A couple of functions that make it easy to maintain an unordered set as an array in an efficient way
  • compare (latest: 2.0.0) Compare primitives the right way (using `<`, `>` and `==`)
  • turbo-http (latest: 0.3.2) Blazing fast low level http server
  • turbo-net (latest: 1.4.0) Low level TCP library
  • prebuild (latest: 11.0.4) A command line tool for easily making prebuilt binaries for multiple versions of node, electron or node-webkit on a specific platform
  • napi-macros (latest: 2.2.2) Set of utility macros to make writing N-API modules a little easier.
  • hyperdht (latest: 6.5.2) The DHT powering Hyperswarm
  • stream-collector (latest: 1.0.1) Buffer data from a stream into an array if a callback is provided
  • bitfield (latest: 4.1.0) a simple bitfield, compliant with the BitTorrent spec
  • level-logs (latest: 1.2.0) Store multiple append only logs in leveldb.
  • framed-hash (latest: 1.1.0) A hash function that wraps all input chunks with a length prefix.
  • stream-wrapper (latest: 0.1.2) Wrap read/write/transform functions into streams
  • flat-tree (latest: 1.9.0) A series of functions to map a binary tree to a list
  • last-one-wins (latest: 1.0.4) Make sure the last sync call to an async function is executed after all previous ones have finished
  • merkle-tree-stream (latest: 4.0.0) A stream that generates a merkle tree based on the incoming data.
  • numeric-id-map (latest: 1.1.0) Data structure that maps entries to numeric ids
  • subleveldown (latest: 6.0.1) Split a levelup database into sublevels with their own keyspace, encoding and events
  • uint64be (latest: 3.0.0) Encode / decode big endian unsigned 64 bit integers
  • bitfield-rle (latest: 2.2.1) A run-length-encoder that compresses bitfields.
  • sodium-encryption (latest: 1.2.3) Sodium encryption that works in node and in the browser
  • sodium-signatures (latest: 2.1.1) Sodium signatures that works in node and in the browser
  • levelup-defaults (latest: 2.0.0) Change the defaults settings on a levelup instance by returning a new levelup instance that uses the same leveldown but different options
  • passthrough-encoding (latest: 1.2.0) An encoder that encodes buffers/strings to a buffer and is abstract-encoding compatible
  • atomic-batcher (latest: 1.0.2) A simple batching function that allows you to atomically batch a series of operations.
  • sparse-bitfield (latest: 3.0.3) Bitfield that allocates a series of small buffers to support sparse bits without allocating a massive buffer
  • memory-pager (latest: 1.5.0) Access memory using small fixed sized buffers
  • inspect-custom-symbol (latest: 1.1.1) Use util.inspect.custom without having to browserify util in the browser
  • fast-bitfield (latest: 1.2.2) Variable sized bitfield that allows you to quickly iterate over bits
  • fd-lock (latest: 1.2.0) Advisory cross-platform lock on a file using a file descriptor to it.
  • nanoguard (latest: 1.3.0) Small module that allows you to guard a call to a function.
  • message-pair (latest: 2.0.1) Small module to implement a "message name to id" pairing protocol
  • abstract-extension (latest: 3.1.1) Small abstraction to help build out user defined extension messages in an RPC system
  • hypercore-streams (latest: 1.0.1) External implementation of a WriteStream and ReadStream for Hypercore
  • big-sparse-array (latest: 1.0.3) A sparse array optimised for low memory whilst still being fast
  • crc32-universal (latest: 1.0.1) CRC32 slice-by-16 implementation in JS with an optional native binding to speed it up even futher
  • is-options (latest: 1.0.2) Easily check if input is an options map
  • random-array-iterator (latest: 1.0.0) An iterator to iterate an array in random order with controls to requeue or dequeue elements during the iteration
  • safety-catch (latest: 1.0.2) Small module that makes sure your catch, caught an actual error and not a programming mistake or assertion
  • uint64le (latest: 1.0.0) Encode / decode little endian unsigned 64 bit integers
  • fsctl (latest: 2.0.0) Native utilities for file manipulation, including locking and hole punching
  • xache (latest: 1.1.0) Yet another auto expiring, max sizable cache
  • z32 (latest: 1.0.0) Encode & decode z-base32
  • crc-universal (latest: 1.0.4) Universal wrapper for libcrc with a JavaScript fallback
  • quickbit-universal (latest: 2.0.3) Universal wrapper for libquickbit with a JavaScript fallback
  • sodium-prebuilt (latest: 1.0.22) Prebuilds for Lib Sodium port for node.js
  • stream-channels (latest: 1.4.1) Simple one-way stream multiplexer with very few features
  • sorted-indexof (latest: 1.0.0) Given two sorted arrays, a and b, efficiently return an array of indexes of b's elements in a.
  • signed-varint (latest: 2.0.1) efficiently store signed integers in varint
  • protobuf-schema (latest: 1.5.1) No nonsense protobuf schema parser written in Javascript
  • memolite (latest: 0.1.0) extremly simple memoizing for async functions
  • siphash24 (latest: 1.3.1) SipHash (2-4) implemented in pure Javascript and WebAssembly
  • xsalsa20 (latest: 1.2.0) XSalsa20 implemented in Javascript and WebAssembly
  • wayfarer (latest: 7.0.1) Composable trie based router
  • csv-parser (latest: 3.0.0) Streaming CSV parser that aims for maximum speed as well as compatibility with the csv-spectrum test suite
  • node-gyp-install (latest: 2.2.0) Manually download node/iojs header files for usage with node-gyp.
  • ipv4-peers (latest: 2.0.0) An abstract-encoding compliant encoder for encoding a list of ipv4 peers to buffers
  • dht-rpc (latest: 6.7.0) Make RPC calls over a Kademlia based DHT
  • bogon (latest: 1.1.0) Check if an IP is a bogon
  • noise-handshake (latest: 3.0.2) ## Usage ```js const Noise = require('noise-handshake') const Cipher = require('noise-handshake/cipher') const initiator = new Noise('IK', true) const responder = new Noise('IK', false)
  • record-cache (latest: 1.2.0) Cache optimised for record like things
  • @hyperswarm/hypersign (latest: 2.1.1) Utility methods related to public key cryptography to be used with distributed mutable storage
  • noise-secret-stream (latest: 4.2.0) Secret stream backed by Noise and libsodium's secretstream
  • bind-easy (latest: 1.1.2) Easily create UDP sockets and TCP servers that bind to ports
  • udx-native (latest: 1.5.5) udx is reliable, multiplexed, and congestion-controlled streams over udp
  • bit-encode (latest: 1.0.0) Low level bit encoder for buffers
  • sodium-secretstream (latest: 1.1.0) Wraps libsodiums secretstream in a higher level abstraction
  • crc-native (latest: 1.0.3) libcrc JavaScript bindings for Node.js
  • quickbit-native (latest: 2.0.3) libquickbit JavaScript bindings for Node.js
  • simdle-universal (latest: 1.1.0) Universal wrapper for libsimdle with a JavaScript fallback
  • simple-message-channels (latest: 1.2.1) Simple streamable state machine that implements a useful channel, message-type, message pattern
  • xsalsa20-universal (latest: 1.0.0) xsalsa20 instance that works in node and in the browser
  • uv-errors (latest: 1.0.4) Get the UV error map in different ways
  • base64-to-uint8array (latest: 1.0.0) Convert a base64 string to a Uint8Array in Node and the browser
  • multi-write-stream (latest: 2.0.1) Create a writable stream that writes to multiple other writeable streams
  • udp-request (latest: 2.0.0) Small module for making requests/responses over UDP
  • xor-distance (latest: 2.0.0) Calculate the distance between two buffers as a new buffer and compare computed distances with eachother
  • time-ordered-set (latest: 1.0.2) Efficiently maintain a set of nodes ordered by the time they were added to the set
  • kademlia-routing-table (latest: 1.0.1) XOR based routing table used for P2P networks such as a Kademlia DHT.
  • nat-sampler (latest: 1.0.1) Sample addresses to figure out if a host + port is consistent
  • why-is-node-running (latest: 2.2.2) Node is running but you don't know why? why-is-node-running is here to help you.
  • standard (latest: 17.1.0) JavaScript Standard Style
  • standard-engine (latest: 15.1.0) Wrap your standards in a tortilla and cover it in special sauce.
  • protomux (latest: 3.5.1) Multiplex multiple message oriented protocols over a stream
  • b4a (latest: 1.6.4) Bridging the gap between buffers and typed arrays
  • compact-encoding (latest: 2.13.0) A series of compact encoding schemes for building small and fast parsers and serializers
  • node-gyp-build (latest: 4.8.0) Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuilds
  • tar-stream (latest: 3.1.7) tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator and nothing else. It operates purely using streams which means you can easily extract/parse tarballs without ever hitting the file system.
  • tar-fs (latest: 3.0.4) filesystem bindings for tar-stream
  • streamx (latest: 2.15.6) An iteration of the Node.js core streams with a series of improvements
  • fast-fifo (latest: 1.3.2) A fast fifo implementation similar to the one powering nextTick in Node.js core
  • hypercore-crypto (latest: 3.4.0) The crypto primitives used in hypercore, extracted into a separate module

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