Packages by raynos [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@raynos Wed Sep 20 2023 21:39:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • xtend (latest: 4.0.2) extend like a boss
  • is-object (latest: 1.0.2) Checks whether a value is an object
  • for-each (latest: 0.3.3) A better forEach
  • duplexer (latest: 0.1.2) Creates a duplex stream
  • browserify (latest: 17.0.0) browser-side require() the node way
  • acorn-node (latest: 2.0.1) the acorn javascript parser, preloaded with plugins for syntax parity with recent node versions
  • module-deps (latest: 6.2.3) walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
  • to-array (latest: 0.1.4) Turn an array like into an array
  • stak (latest: 0.1.2)
  • fcombine (latest: 0.0.4) function utility library
  • after (latest: 0.8.2) after - tiny flow control
  • pd (latest: 0.8.1) an ES5 / OO utility
  • stream-splicer (latest: 2.0.1) streaming pipeline with a mutable configuration
  • re-emitter (latest: 1.1.4) Re emit events from another emitter
  • individual (latest: 3.0.0) Garantueed individual values
  • brfs (latest: 2.0.2) browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
  • static-module (latest: 3.0.4) convert module usage to inline expressions
  • static-eval (latest: 2.1.0) evaluate statically-analyzable expressions
  • iterators (latest: 0.3.3) iterate over collections in sync & async
  • watchify (latest: 4.0.0) watch mode for browserify builds
  • detective (latest: 5.2.1) find all require() calls by walking the AST
  • idb-wrapper (latest: 1.7.2) A cross-browser wrapper for IndexedDB
  • standard (latest: 17.1.0) JavaScript Standard Style
  • standard-engine (latest: 15.1.0) Wrap your standards in a tortilla and cover it in special sauce.
  • function-bind (latest: 1.1.2) Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
  • live-reload (latest: 1.1.1) A live reload server & client
  • observable (latest: 2.1.4) A function as representation of a trackable mutable value.
  • routes (latest: 2.1.0) Minimalist route matching for javascript
  • data-channel (latest: 0.2.2) Turn a data channel into a stream
  • class-list (latest: 0.1.1) A cross browser class list
  • data-set (latest: 4.0.0) Element#dataset abstraction
  • tape (latest: 5.7.5) tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
  • write-stream (latest: 0.4.3) Base class for writable streams
  • read-stream (latest: 2.1.1) Base class for readable streams

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