Packages by sindresorhus [SYNC profile]

Name IM Last modified Is admin Publish scopes
@sindresorhus Wed Sep 20 2023 16:46:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) false

  • object-assign (latest: 4.1.1) ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill
  • os-homedir (latest: 2.0.0) Node.js 4 `os.homedir()` ponyfill
  • path-type (latest: 5.0.0) Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink
  • error-ex (latest: 1.3.2) Easy error subclassing and stack customization
  • is-binary-path (latest: 2.1.0) Check if a file path is a binary file
  • array-union (latest: 3.0.1) Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays
  • loud-rejection (latest: 2.2.0) Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
  • hard-rejection (latest: 2.1.0) Make unhandled promise rejections fail hard right away instead of the default silent fail
  • resolve-from (latest: 5.0.0) Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from a given path
  • opn (latest: 6.0.0) Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
  • mz (latest: 2.7.0) modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
  • resolve-cwd (latest: 3.0.0) Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from the current working directory
  • import-fresh (latest: 3.3.0) Import a module while bypassing the cache
  • import-cwd (latest: 3.0.0) Import a module like with `require()` but from the current working directory
  • fs-access (latest: 2.0.0) Node.js 0.12 fs.access() & fs.accessSync() ponyfill
  • any-observable (latest: 0.5.1) Support any Observable library and polyfill
  • deep-assign (latest: 3.0.0) Recursive Object.assign()
  • is-text-path (latest: 2.0.0) Check if a file path is a text file
  • cli-boxes (latest: 3.0.0) Boxes for use in the terminal
  • xdg-trashdir (latest: 3.1.0) Get the correct trash path on Linux
  • bin-build (latest: 3.0.0) Easily build binaries
  • buffer-equals (latest: 2.0.0) Node.js 0.12 buffer.equals() ponyfill
  • user-home (latest: 3.0.0) Get the path to the user home directory
  • resolve-global (latest: 1.0.0) Resolve the path of a globally installed module
  • get-stdin (latest: 9.0.0) Get stdin as a string or buffer
  • is-fullwidth-code-point (latest: 4.0.0) Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth
  • strip-bom (latest: 5.0.0) Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string
  • min-indent (latest: 1.0.1) Get the shortest leading whitespace from lines in a string
  • is-interactive (latest: 2.0.0) Check if stdout or stderr is interactive
  • has-flag (latest: 5.0.1) Check if argv has a specific flag
  • is-stream (latest: 3.0.0) Check if something is a Node.js stream
  • define-lazy-prop (latest: 3.0.0) Define a lazily evaluated property on an object
  • cli-truncate (latest: 3.1.0) Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal
  • npm-run-path (latest: 5.1.0) Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
  • onetime (latest: 6.0.0) Ensure a function is only called once
  • log-update (latest: 5.0.1) Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc.
  • is-obj (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a value is an object
  • is-regexp (latest: 3.1.0) Check if a value is a regular expression
  • ansi-styles (latest: 6.2.1) ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal
  • path-key (latest: 4.0.0) Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform
  • mimic-fn (latest: 4.0.0) Make a function mimic another one
  • cli-cursor (latest: 4.0.0) Toggle the CLI cursor
  • ansi-regex (latest: 6.0.1) Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
  • restore-cursor (latest: 4.0.0) Gracefully restore the CLI cursor on exit
  • p-locate (latest: 6.0.0) Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
  • yocto-queue (latest: 1.0.0) Tiny queue data structure
  • detect-newline (latest: 4.0.0) Detect the dominant newline character of a string
  • leven (latest: 4.0.0) Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm
  • env-paths (latest: 3.0.0) Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc
  • filter-obj (latest: 5.1.0) Filter object keys and values into a new object
  • split-on-first (latest: 3.0.0) Split a string on the first occurance of a given separator
  • boxen (latest: 7.0.0) Create boxes in the terminal
  • configstore (latest: 6.0.0) Easily load and save config without having to think about where and how
  • has-yarn (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a project is using Yarn
  • is-npm (latest: 6.0.0) Check if your code is running as an npm script
  • latest-version (latest: 7.0.0) Get the latest version of an npm package
  • pupa (latest: 3.1.0) Simple micro templating
  • semver-diff (latest: 4.0.0) Get the diff type of two semver versions: 0.0.1 0.0.2 → patch
  • xdg-basedir (latest: 5.1.0) Get XDG Base Directory paths
  • ip-regex (latest: 5.0.0) Regular expression for matching IP addresses (IPv4 & IPv6)
  • widest-line (latest: 4.0.1) Get the visual width of the widest line in a string - the number of columns required to display it
  • package-json (latest: 8.1.0) Get metadata of a package from the npm registry
  • escape-goat (latest: 4.0.0) Escape a string for use in HTML or the inverse
  • cacheable-lookup (latest: 7.0.0) A cacheable dns.lookup(…) that respects TTL
  • gulp-typescript (latest: 6.0.0-alpha.1) A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation support.
  • temp-dir (latest: 3.0.0) Get the real path of the system temp directory
  • os-name (latest: 5.0.1) Get the name of the current operating system. Example: macOS Sierra
  • tempy (latest: 3.0.0) Get a random temporary file or directory path
  • is-docker (latest: 3.0.0) Check if the process is running inside a Docker container
  • macos-release (latest: 3.1.0) Get the name and version of a macOS release from the Darwin version
  • windows-release (latest: 5.0.1) Get the name of a Windows version from the release number: `5.1.2600` → `XP`
  • multimatch (latest: 6.0.0) Extends `minimatch.match()` with support for multiple patterns
  • matcher (latest: 5.0.0) Simple wildcard matching
  • del (latest: 7.0.0) Delete files and directories
  • array-differ (latest: 4.0.0) Create an array with values that are present in the first input array but not additional ones
  • is-path-cwd (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a path is the current working directory
  • is-path-inside (latest: 4.0.0) Check if a path is inside another path
  • github-markdown-css (latest: 5.2.0) The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
  • got (latest: 12.6.0) Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
  • temp-write (latest: 5.0.0) Write string/buffer/stream to a random temp file
  • internal-ip (latest: 7.0.0) Get your internal IP address
  • import-local (latest: 3.1.0) Let a globally installed package use a locally installed version of itself if available
  • redent (latest: 4.0.0) Strip redundant indentation and indent the string
  • p-cancelable (latest: 4.0.1) Create a promise that can be canceled
  • responselike (latest: 3.0.0) A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response stream
  • map-obj (latest: 5.0.2) Map object keys and values into a new object
  • strip-indent (latest: 4.0.0) Strip leading whitespace from each line in a string
  • is-html (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a string is HTML
  • pkg-dir (latest: 7.0.0) Find the root directory of a Node.js project or npm package
  • srcset (latest: 5.0.0) Parse and stringify the HTML `<img>` srcset attribute
  • is-plain-obj (latest: 4.1.0) Check if a value is a plain object
  • is-ip (latest: 5.0.0) Check if a string is an IP address
  • p-event (latest: 5.0.1) Promisify an event by waiting for it to be emitted
  • html-tags (latest: 3.2.0) List of standard HTML tags
  • array-uniq (latest: 3.0.0) Create an array without duplicates
  • super-regex (latest: 0.2.0) Make a regular expression time out if it takes too long to execute
  • p-timeout (latest: 6.1.1) Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
  • clone-regexp (latest: 3.0.0) Clone and modify a RegExp instance
  • time-span (latest: 5.1.0) Simplified high resolution timing
  • p-defer (latest: 4.0.0) Create a deferred promise
  • convert-hrtime (latest: 5.0.0) Convert the result of `process.hrtime.bigint()` to seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds
  • np (latest: 7.6.4) A better `npm publish`
  • p-debounce (latest: 4.0.0) Debounce promise-returning & async functions
  • pkg-up (latest: 4.0.0) Find the closest package.json file
  • trash (latest: 8.1.1) Move files and folders to the trash
  • trash-cli (latest: 5.0.0) Move files and folders to the trash
  • pify (latest: 6.1.0) Promisify a callback-style function
  • p-tap (latest: 4.0.0) Tap into a promise chain without affecting its value or state
  • issue-regex (latest: 4.1.0) Regular expression for matching issue references
  • terminal-link (latest: 3.0.0) Create clickable links in the terminal
  • is-scoped (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a string is a scoped npm package name
  • npm-name (latest: 7.1.0) Check whether a package or organization name is available on npm
  • new-github-release-url (latest: 2.0.0) Generate a URL for opening a new GitHub release with prefilled tag, body, and other fields
  • p-memoize (latest: 7.1.1) Memoize promise-returning & async functions
  • move-file (latest: 3.0.0) Move a file - Even works across devices
  • scoped-regex (latest: 3.0.0) Regular expression for matching scoped npm package names
  • is-inside-container (latest: 1.0.0) Check if the process is running inside a container (Docker/Podman)
  • string-length (latest: 5.0.1) Get the real length of a string - by correctly counting astral symbols and ignoring ansi escape codes
  • is-generator-fn (latest: 3.0.0) Check if something is a generator function
  • junk (latest: 4.0.0) Filter out system junk files like .DS_Store and Thumbs.db
  • tempfile (latest: 5.0.0) Get a random temporary file path
  • strip-outer (latest: 2.0.0) Strip a substring from the start/end of a string
  • trim-repeated (latest: 2.0.0) Trim a consecutively repeated substring: foo--bar---baz → foo-bar-baz
  • query-string (latest: 8.1.0) Parse and stringify URL query strings
  • decamelize (latest: 6.0.0) Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator: unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbow
  • ps-list (latest: 8.1.1) Get running processes
  • yn (latest: 5.0.0) Parse yes/no like values
  • timed-out (latest: 6.0.0) Timeout HTTP/HTTPS requests
  • tasklist (latest: 5.0.0) Wrapper for the Windows `tasklist` command. Returns a list of apps and services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or a remote computer.
  • parse-columns (latest: 3.0.0) Parse text columns, like the output of Unix commands
  • each-async (latest: 2.0.0) Async concurrent iterator (async forEach)
  • ky-universal (latest: 0.11.0) Use Ky in both Node.js and browsers
  • neat-csv (latest: 7.0.0) Fast CSV parser
  • sec (latest: 2.0.0) Convert a time string to seconds: `'00:22:17'` → `1337`
  • execall (latest: 3.0.0) Find multiple RegExp matches in a string
  • split-at (latest: 3.0.0) Split a string at one or more indices
  • repeating (latest: 4.0.0) Repeat a string - fast
  • into-stream (latest: 7.0.0) Convert a string/promise/array/iterable/asynciterable/buffer/typedarray/arraybuffer/object into a stream
  • arrify (latest: 3.0.0) Convert a value to an array
  • num-sort (latest: 3.0.0) Sort an array of numbers
  • p-is-promise (latest: 4.0.0) Check if something is a promise
  • dargs (latest: 8.1.0) Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments.
  • gzip-size (latest: 7.0.0) Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer
  • imagemin (latest: 8.0.1) Minify images seamlessly
  • file-type (latest: 18.2.1) Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
  • p-pipe (latest: 4.0.0) Compose promise-returning & async functions into a reusable pipeline
  • is-jpg (latest: 3.0.0) Check if a Buffer/Uint8Array is a JPEG image
  • mozjpeg (latest: 8.0.0) mozjpeg wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
  • is-svg (latest: 5.0.0) Check if a string is SVG
  • is-root (latest: 3.0.0) Check if the process is running as root user, for example, one started with `sudo`
  • slice-ansi (latest: 6.0.0) Slice a string with ANSI escape codes
  • fn-name (latest: 4.0.0) Get the name of a named function
  • chalk (latest: 5.3.0) Terminal string styling done right
  • strip-ansi (latest: 7.1.0) Strip ANSI escape codes from a string
  • chalk-template (latest: 1.1.0) Terminal string styling with tagged template literals
  • clear-module (latest: 4.1.2) Clear a module from the cache
  • make-dir (latest: 4.0.0) Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think `mkdir -p`
  • parse-json (latest: 7.1.0) Parse JSON with more helpful errors
  • caller-path (latest: 4.0.0) Get the path of the caller function
  • parent-module (latest: 3.1.0) Get the path of the parent module
  • global-dirs (latest: 3.0.1) Get the directory of globally installed packages and binaries
  • callsites (latest: 4.1.0) Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API
  • supports-color (latest: 9.4.0) Detect whether a terminal supports color
  • slash (latest: 5.1.0) Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
  • execa (latest: 8.0.1) Process execution for humans
  • get-port (latest: 7.0.0) Get an available port
  • gh-got (latest: 10.0.0) Convenience wrapper for Got to interact with the GitHub API
  • semver-regex (latest: 4.0.5) Regular expression for matching semver versions
  • is-builtin-module (latest: 3.2.1) Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module
  • camelcase (latest: 8.0.0) Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar`
  • get-stream (latest: 8.0.1) Get a stream as a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer or array
  • path-match (latest: 1.2.4) wrapper around path-to-regexp for easy route parameters
  • read-pkg-up (latest: 10.1.0) Read the closest package.json file
  • read-pkg (latest: 8.1.0) Read a package.json file
  • strip-json-comments (latest: 5.0.1) Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
  • pkg-conf (latest: 4.0.0) Get namespaced config from the closest package.json
  • clean-stack (latest: 5.2.0) Clean up error stack traces
  • ink (latest: 4.4.1) React for CLI
  • find-cache-dir (latest: 5.0.0) Finds the common standard cache directory
  • ansi-escapes (latest: 6.2.0) ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
  • auto-bind (latest: 5.0.1) Automatically bind methods to their class instance
  • stringify-object (latest: 5.0.0) Stringify an object/array like JSON.stringify just without all the double-quotes
  • valid-filename (latest: 4.0.0) Check if a string is a valid filename
  • mem (latest: 10.0.0) Memoize functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input
  • locate-path (latest: 7.2.0) Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths
  • string-width (latest: 7.0.0) Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it
  • unicorn-magic (latest: 0.1.0) Some useful utilities I often need
  • domify (latest: 2.0.0) Turn a HTML string into DOM elements, cross-platform
  • find-up (latest: 7.0.0) Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories
  • find-up-simple (latest: 1.0.0) Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories — Zero dependencies
  • p-map (latest: 7.0.1) Map over promises concurrently
  • figures (latest: 6.0.1) Unicode symbols with fallbacks for older terminals
  • wrap-ansi (latest: 9.0.0) Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes
  • cli-spinners (latest: 2.9.2) Spinners for use in the terminal
  • log-symbols (latest: 6.0.0) Colored symbols for various log levels. Example: `✔︎ Success`
  • open (latest: 10.0.3) Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
  • is-wsl (latest: 3.1.0) Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (Bash on Windows)
  • bundle-name (latest: 4.1.0) Get bundle name from a bundle identifier (macOS): `` → `Safari`
  • default-browser-id (latest: 5.0.0) Get the bundle identifier of the default browser (macOS). Example:
  • titleize (latest: 4.0.0) Capitalize every word in a string: `unicorn cake` → `Unicorn Cake`
  • untildify (latest: 5.0.0) Convert a tilde path to an absolute path: `~/dev` → `/Users/sindresorhus/dev`
  • p-limit (latest: 5.0.0) Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
  • pretty-bytes (latest: 6.1.1) Convert bytes to a human readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB
  • http2-wrapper (latest: 2.2.1) HTTP2 client, just with the familiar `https` API
  • globals (latest: 14.0.0) Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
  • globby (latest: 14.0.1) User-friendly glob matching

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